Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Maine GOP Sen. Snowe won't seek re-election (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - With centrists becoming few and far between, Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe cited the increasingly polarized climate of Washington in abandoning the U.S. Senate after three terms, giving Democrats new hope of winning the longtime GOP-held seat.


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Tips to Locating the Right Personal Trainer | Visvim

Unless you have a suggestion from a friend, locating and deciding on a personal trainer takes rather a bit of time and effort. Even if you have an excellent reference from someone you dependence, you still might not be as suitable with the trainer as your friend happens to be for a number of causes.

As a personal trainer providing personal training in Scottsdale, Arizona, I?ve devoted a whole lot of time around personal instructors. I?ve viewed many training treatments, many really good and some not so efficiently.

Maintain these points in mind when you happen to be deciding on a personal trainer:

# Don?t solely size up a fitness trainers capability to assist you obtain you fit by his or her body alone. That ought to maybe be certified by mentioning that just considering a trainer?s body happens to be statue-like, it does not always imply they understand just how to get you there likewise. Having said that, if a so-called trainer happens to be surprisingly out-of-shape, really don?t think twice about strolling away.

# It?s complicated to understand in advance, although the initial meeting needs to tune you in: is going to the trainer truly tune in to you? To what literally inspires your health and fitness targets? Happen to be they concerned regarding what your preexisting traumas happen to be? You need to understand that they are going to recognize your severity threshold as you adapt getting back into good shape. A trainer that truly listens will undoubtedly be less most likely to get you injured also.

# Just remember that all certifications happen to be not equal. Almost all personal instructors have viewpoints regarding what certification happens to be the top qualifier. As well as more often than not, it?s the one they have; I chose the American College of Sports Medicine certification considering it?s the evaluation that frightens would-be personal instructors the most. Since my college culture is in English, I had to be sure that I had among the most highly regarded certs out there. The evaluation feels like a mid-level college physiology final. The ACSM generally requires many months of preparation. On the other hand, there happen to be additional certifications that a trainer can get in weekend. My personal top-2 most highly regarded certifications happen to be the ACSM and the NASM.

# Make sure that the trainer?s fitness center is close to you. This might appear noticeable but it can truly make way of life ? and final results ? complicated. You really don?t desire the extra worry. Your treatments are going to suffer if you happen to be continually late.

# Personal instructors happen to be just personal instructors. Unless they have additional education and learning, they happen to be not expert nutritionists, certified chiropractors, MDs or naturopaths.

# Do your personas mesh? Make sure they do. As with folks in general, some instructors happen to be surprisingly self-absorbed. You can turn out to be tuning in to your trainer rambling on and on regarding their personal way of life while you happen to be pushing yourself to finish that endure exercising. As well as this truly can occur. Are going to they produce customized work outs for you? It?s an excellent idea to take the consumer up on a free of cost session or consultation initially.

# Professionalism is important. This happens to be especially correct because of the closeness that might develop between clients and their instructors. You are going to need to feel like your trainer happens to be recognizing the privacy of your connection.

At the end of it all, remember: there happens to be no magic personal health and fitness workout formula, and a presentable exercising routine isn?t normally rocket technology. It?s my feeling that personal training happens to be a little additional of an art than a science. You can be mainly self-assured that if you?ve chosen a personal trainer that mainly recognizes what they happen to be doing, you ought to make much more development than you imagine attainable ? that happens to be if you show up routinely.


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Friendship in an Age of Economics | Entropy...

In his Friendship in an Age of Economics blog post in the New York Times?s philosophy series, The Stone, ? Todd May discusses the non-economic character of friendship, which he calls friendship?s ?deepest and most fragile characteristic.? Unlike consumer or entrepreneurial relationships, he argues, friendships follow a rhythm that is more subtle than the pleasure followed by emptiness that is experienced in momentary consumer relationships or the investment followed by profit that is experienced in entrepreneurial relationships.

He argues that true friendship, in contrast to economic relationships, is not a matter of diversion or of return, but of meaning.- Friendship is special for not being a matter of success or failure, but rather of meaning... Pl read..


Friendship in an Age of Economics

When I was 17 years old, I had the honor of being the youngest person in the history of New York Hospital to undergo surgery for a herniated disc. This was at a time in which operations like this kept people in the hospital for over a week. The day after my surgery, I awoke to find a friend of mine sitting in a chair across from my bed. I don?t remember much about his visit. I am sure I was too sedated to say much. But I will not forget that he visited me on that day, and sat there for I know not how long, while my humanity was in the care of a morphine drip.

The official discourses of our relations with one another do not have much to say about the afternoon my friend spent with me. Our age, what we might call the age of economics, is in thrall to two types of relationships which reflect the lives we are encouraged to lead. There are consumer relationships, those that we participate in for the pleasure they bring us. And there are entrepreneurial relationships, those that we invest in hoping they will bring us some return. In a time in which the discourse of economics seeks to hold us in its grip, this should come as no surprise.

The encouragement toward relationships of consumption is nowhere more prominently on display than in reality television. Jon and Kate, the cast of ?Real World,? the Kardashians, and their kin across the spectrum conduct their lives for our entertainment. It is available to us in turn to respond in a minor key by displaying our own relationships on YouTube. Or, barring that, we can collect friends like shoes or baseball cards on Facebook.

Entrepreneurial relationships have, in some sense, always been with us. Using people for one?s ends is not a novel practice. It has gained momentum, however, as the reduction of governmental support has diminished social solidarity and the rise of finance capitalism has stressed investment over production. The economic fruits of the latter have lately been with us, but the interpersonal ones, while more persistent, remain veiled. Where nothing is produced except personal gain, relationships come loose from their social moorings.

Aristotle thought that there were three types of friendship: those of pleasure, those of usefulness, and true friendship. In friendships of pleasure, ?it is not for their character that men love ready-witted people, but because they find them pleasant.? In the latter, ?those who love each other for their utility do not love each other for themselves but in virtue of some good which they get from each other.? For him, the first is characteristic of the young, who are focused on momentary enjoyment, while the second is often the province of the old, who need assistance to cope with their frailty. What the rise of recent public rhetoric and practice has accomplished is to cast the first two in economic terms while forgetting about the third.

In our lives, however, few of us have entirely forgotten about the third ? true friendship. We may not define it as Aristotle did ? friendship among the already virtuous ? but we live it in our own way nonetheless. Our close friendships stand as a challenge to the tenor of our times.

Conversely, our times challenge those friendships. This is why we must reflect on friendship; so that it doesn?t slip away from us under the pressure of a dominant economic discourse. We are all, and always, creatures of our time. In the case of friendship, we must push back against that time if we are to sustain what, for many of us, are among the most important elements of our lives. It is those elements that allow us to sit by the bedside of a friend: not because we know it is worth it, but because the question of worth does not even arise.

There is much that might be said about friendships. They allow us to see ourselves from the perspective of another. They open up new interests or deepen current ones. They offer us support during difficult periods in our lives. The aspect of friendship that I would like to focus on is its non-economic character. Although we benefit from our close friendships, these friendships are not a matter of calculable gain and loss. While we draw pleasure from them, they are not a matter solely of consuming pleasure. And while the time we spend with our friends and the favors we do for them are often reciprocated in an informal way, we do not spend that time or offer those favors in view of the reciprocation that might ensue.

Friendships follow a rhythm that is distinct from that of either consumer or entrepreneurial relationships. This is at once their deepest and most fragile characteristic. Consumer pleasures are transient. They engulf us for a short period and then they fade, like a drug. That is why they often need to be renewed periodically. Entrepreneurship, when successful, leads to the victory of personal gain. We cultivate a colleague in the field or a contact outside of it in the hope that it will advance our career or enhance our status. When it does, we feel a sense of personal success. In both cases, there is the enjoyment of what comes to us through the medium of other human beings

Friendships worthy of the name are different. Their rhythm lies not in what they bring to us, but rather in what we immerse ourselves in. To be a friend is to step into the stream of another?s life. It is, while not neglecting my own life, to take pleasure in another?s pleasure, and to share their pain as partly my own. The borders of my life, while not entirely erased, become less clear than they might be. Rather than the rhythm of pleasure followed by emptiness, or that of investment and then profit, friendships follow a rhythm that is at once subtler and more persistent. This rhythm is subtler because it often (although not always) lacks the mark of a consumed pleasure or a successful investment. But even so, it remains there, part of the ground of our lives that lies both within us and without.

To be this ground, friendships have a relation to time that is foreign to an economic orientation. Consumer relationships are focused on the momentary present. It is what brings immediate pleasure that matters. Entrepreneurial relationships have more to do with the future. How I act toward others is determined by what they might do for me down the road. Friendships, although lived in the present and assumed to continue into the future, also have a deeper tie to the past than either of these. Past time is sedimented in a friendship. It accretes over the hours and days friends spend together, forming the foundation upon which the character of a relationship is built. This sedimentation need not be a happy one. Shared experience, not just common amusement or advancement, is the ground of friendship.

Of course, to have friendships like this, one must be prepared to take up the past as a ground for friendship. This ground does not come to us, ready-made. We must make it our own. And this, perhaps, is the contemporary lesson we can draw from Aristotle?s view that true friendship requires virtuous partners, that ?perfect friendship is the friendship of men who are good.? If we are to have friends, then we must be willing to approach some among our relationships as offering an invitation to build something outside the scope of our own desires. We must be willing

We might say of friendships that they are a matter not of diversion or of return but of meaning. They render us vulnerable, and in doing so they add dimensions of significance to our lives that can only arise from being, in each case, friends with this or that particular individual, a party to this or that particular life.

It is precisely this non-economic character that is threatened in a society in which each of us is thrown upon his or her resources and offered only the bywords of ownership, shopping, competition, and growth. It is threatened when we are encouraged to look upon those around us as the stuff of our current enjoyment or our future advantage. It is threatened when we are led to believe that friendships without a recognizable gain are, in the economic sense, irrational. Friendships are not without why, perhaps, but they are certainly without that particular why.

In turn, however, it is friendship that allows us to see that there is more than what the prevalent neoliberal discourse places before us as our possibilities. In a world often ruled by the dollar and what it can buy, friendship, like love, opens other vistas. The critic John Berger once said of one of his friendships, ?We were not somewhere between success and failure; we were elsewhere.? To be able to sit by the bed of another, watching him sleep, waiting for nothing else, is to understand where else we might be.

By- Todd May -? New York Times
A professor of philosophy at Clemson University and is at work on a book about friendship in the contemporary period.


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tournament of THG Couples Edition: Upset City!

The quarterfinal round of the Tournament of THG: Couples Edition is history, with only one of the top-seeded pairs surviving and making the vaunted Final Four.

The second-round matchups featured upsets galore, most notably #12 seeds Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds knocking off the President and the First Lady.

In round one, they took out #5 Brangelina. Hard to say which is more impressive. Here's a look at where we stand heading into this week's semifinals:

Tournament of THG Couples Semifinal Bracket

As you can see, Prince William and Kate Middleton also advanced over a higher seeded duo, as did Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. Neither matchup was close.

The only tight contest was Blake and Ryan's narrow win over the Obamas by a 52-48 percent margin. A harbinger of things to come for Barack this year?

Probably not. Ryan and Blake are better looking than Mitt Romney.

The two semifinal matchups begin tomorrow with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart against Lively and Reynolds, followed by the Royals against Miliam.

If you haven't taken part this far, it's easy. All you have to do is vote for your favorite couple in each poll, so check back with THG each day and do so!


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Friday, February 24, 2012 | Earn Money On the net ? You'll Be Able To Publish ...

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

PPC Advertising ? How to Start

How to Start

How do you start if you are considering going into the world of Pay Per Click advertising?

If you are an affiliate marketer there are literally hundreds of resources to choose from and it?s hard to get a bead of where to look.

Book Resources
My suggestion is to look in the most obvious places, and the most obvious is amazon books. Getting a good book is the cheapest and most reliable way to get a start of PPC understanding. And PPC understanding, to coin a concept from Ed Dale, is crucial to getting started on the right footing.

The first book I would absolutely start with is the Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords by Perry Marshall and Bryan Todd. This is information offered by the recognized masters of Google AdWords and would form the basis from which I would begin to develop PPC understanding. There are other great resources but this is the one I would use to start it all.

With the Ultimate Guide under your belt, you can look for other books on the subject.

I like another that covers the broader subject of Internet Marketing and that is The Super Affiliate Handbook by Rosalind Gardner.

Video Tutorials
Once you have read enough material to get some understanding, your next step is to go online and find some video tutorials to see how some of the ideas you are now familiar with look when actually put to use.

The best place to start is You Tube. There are lots of short videos that will demonstrate how to set up an PPC account and what the Google AdWords interface looks like. And there are many more that show what an account looks like when it is up and running. One tip, when you set up your first Google AdWords account, set up a Standard account, DO NOT set up a Starter account like I did, you will be penalized in your business if you do.

More on that in a later article.

Once you have done some reading and have reviewed video on You Tube and you feel comfortable with your knowledge of the PPC system, then and only then should you look for a system or program to join and begin your affiliate marketing career.

The Next Step
How long should you spend reading and viewing? That?s up to you, but anything short of a couple of weeks or even a month is too little for the rough and tumble world of PPC advertising. Bear in mind that over 98% of people fail or bail out of PPC advertising when they try it out. A lot of that comes as result of poor preparation going in.

Remember this is a business. As someone who started his own video production business years ago with a telephone and the yellow pages, you have to have determination, patience, some money and dogged planning to get into the game.

So there you have it. A primer on how to start. In my next article I will talk about some specific programs I have used and am currently using to ply the trade. They all cost money and have different ways of working the AdWords space. So that is where things get tricky and where you need to know what to look for.

That is it for now. Go out there do some reading and some viewing.

Stay well, stay with it, and may your travels be prosperous.


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Euro zone teetering on brink of recession (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - The euro zone economy is in danger of tipping into recession, with the services sector shrinking this month along with manufacturing, tempering a wave of optimism after a new bailout deal for Greece struck this week.


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Russia warns Israel not to attack Iran (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - Russia warned Israel on Wednesday that attacking Iran would be a disastrous and played down the failure of a U.N. nuclear agency mission to Tehran, saying there is still a chance for new talks over the Iranian atomic program.


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UltraViolet Hits 800k Digital Media Locker Accounts, Added 50k In The Last Six Weeks

ultraviolet_logo_onwhiteUltraViolet might sound too good to be true, but the service is growing. More Blu-ray titles are featuring the digital media option and consumers are at least trying the movie industry's alternative to, well, piracy. iSupply just announced that there are now more than 800,000 household accounts, up from 750,000 at the beginning of 2012. But so far it seems most of those accounts are just testing the waters as iSupply notes that the average account has 1.25 titles. That results in over 1 million digital films for UltraViolet but also paints a picture that consumers aren't too sure about the service.


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[unable to retrieve full-text content]COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY Only Directory which has Articles Related to COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY · Home · About Us · Privacy Policy · Contact Us. Welcome to article directory. We have 143003 published ...


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Things to Consider before you buy Auto Insurance Policy for your car

There are certain things that needs to be taken into consideration before you buy auto insurance coverage for your car.

Firstly you will need to get auto car insurance policies that will make you to be safe and comfortable by first checking in your state ,the minimum insurance coverage requirements by law.

Secondly with the use of the internet,you can get the major companies that provided the best rates and coverage in the market. You just need to compare online quotes form many insurance companies by inputing in your zip code and ask a few questions and you will be provided with an auto insurance quotes.

Most people are price conscious and want the best possible rates, however you need to also consider other important factors of a company like quality of service, reliability and financial stability.


Once you have compare quotes from different companies . you can then be able to make a decision of which company or offer to sign up .

The premium price of the car insurance company should not be the major consideration but other factors listed above should also be taken also into consideration.

Customer service of the car insurance is also another consideration to make on how the car insurance company will help you by how they respond to their customers demand and assistance. This is very important because when you have an accidents or have problem you will need fast and quick response from your insurance company

You can also look for reviews by current customers that are currently using the services of such insurance companies by looking for such reviews online though online insurance forums.

To get a quote online is very simple you just need to fill some basic forms that ask for your location, age, sex, zip code and email address. Then you will be asked for your vehicle details like model, year of automobile, where will be housed, etc.

There is a wide variety of insurance coverage; you can choose liability, collision, physical damage, medical injury coverage, uninsured motorist and rental car reimbursement


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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pulsars: The universe's gift to physics

ScienceDaily (Feb. 20, 2012) ? Pulsars, superdense neutron stars, are perhaps the most extraordinary physics laboratories in the Universe. Research on these extreme and exotic objects already has produced two Nobel Prizes. Pulsar researchers now are poised to learn otherwise-unavailable details of nuclear physics, to test General Relativity in conditions of extremely strong gravity, and to directly detect gravitational waves with a "telescope" nearly the size of our Galaxy.

Neutron stars are the remnants of massive stars that exploded as supernovae. They pack more than the mass of the Sun into a sphere no larger than a medium-sized city, making them the densest objects in the Universe, except for black holes, for which the concept of density is theoretically irrelevant. Pulsars are neutron stars that emit beams of radio waves outward from the poles of their magnetic fields. When their rotation spins a beam across Earth, radio telescopes detect that as a "pulse" of radio waves.

By precisely measuring the timing of such pulses, astronomers can use pulsars for unique "experiments" at the frontiers of modern physics. Three scientists presented the results of such work, and the promise of future discoveries, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Pulsars are at the forefront of research on gravity. Albert Einstein published his theory of General Relativity in 1916, and his description of the nature of gravity has, so far, withstood numerous experimental tests. However, there are competing theories.

"Many of these alternate theories do just as good a job as General Relativity of predicting behavior within our Solar System. One area where they differ, though, is in the extremely dense environment of a neutron star," said Ingrid Stairs, of the University of British Columbia.

In some of the alternate theories, gravity's behavior should vary based on the internal structure of the neutron star.

"By carefully timing pulsar pulses, we can precisely measure the properties of the neutron stars. Several sets of observations have shown that pulsars' motions are not dependent on their structure, so General Relativity is safe so far," Stairs explained.

Recent research on pulsars in binary-star systems with other neutron stars, and, in one case, with another pulsar, offer the best tests yet of General Relativity in very strong gravity. The precision of such measurements is expected to get even better in the future, Stairs said.

Another prediction of General Relativity is that motions of masses in the Universe should cause disturbances of space-time in the form of gravitational waves. Such waves have yet to be directly detected, but study of pulsars in binary-star systems have given indirect evidence for their existence. That work won a Nobel Prize in 1993.

Now, astronomers are using pulsars throughout our Milky Way Galaxy as a giant scientific instrument to directly detect gravitational waves.

"Pulsars are such extremely precise timepieces that we can use them to detect gravitational waves in a frequency range to which no other experiment will be sensitive," said Benjamin Stappers, of the University of Manchester in the UK.

By carefully timing the pulses from pulsars widely scattered within our Galaxy, the astronomers hope to measure slight variations caused by the passage of the gravitational waves. The scientists hope such Pulsar Timing Arrays can detect gravitational waves caused by the motions of supermassive pairs of black holes in the early Universe, cosmic strings, and possibly from other exotic events in the first few seconds after the Big Bang.

"At the moment, we can only place limits on the existence of the very low-frequency waves we're seeking, but planned expansion and new telescopes will, we hope, result in a direct detection within the next decade," Stappers said.

With densities as much as several times greater than that in atomic nuclei, pulsars are unique laboratories for nuclear physics. Details of the physics of such dense objects are unknown.

"By measuring the masses of neutron stars, we can put constraints on their internal physics," said Scott Ransom of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. "Just in the past three to four years, we've found several massive neutron stars that, because of their large masses, rule out some exotic proposals for what's going on at the centers of neutron stars," Ransom said.

The work is ongoing, and more measurements are needed. "Theorists are clever, so when we provide new data, they tweak their exotic models to fit what we've found," Ransom said.

Pulsars were discovered in 1967 and that discovery earned the Nobel Prize in 1974.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, February 20, 2012

Online Marketing for the Non-Profit: How to Build an Online ...

If you are involved in or supervise a non-profit, you know how hard it is to find cheap but useful ways to stay ahead in the Internet world. Even if money is tight, there are ways to use online marketing or web marketing to your advantage to build a positive online reputation.

Starting a blog is a free and valuable way to use web marketing to your advantage. You can post about matters that relate to your cause, you can link to other important sites, and you can even post a donor link to that page (or any page) for the public to contribute to your cause. This is more cost-effective and less time consuming that doing the same thing with a newsletter or a mailer, and it also improves your online reputation because it creates more information about your non-profit on the Internet.

Building a social media page is another no-cost way to build your online reputation with internet marketing. A Facebook or Twitter page is a wonderful way to engage with the online community and get information about your non-profit out there. You can post daily updates, link to other agencies, and let the public know of an upcoming event. With the limited funds a non-profit usually operates with, using social media is a must as an online marketing tool.

YouTube is another free tool that is at your fingertips-literally-to help build an online reputation. At your next fundraiser, assign an employee with a camera to take footage of how great the project is. You can then post it on YouTube to show the world how well your non-profit is doing and how positively you influence the community. You can also post the YouTube link on your blog and social media sites-another plus!

A non-profit, more than other businesses, realizes how hard it is to build an online reputation using internet marketing when funds are limited. By using the free and effective tools available, non-profits can compete with other businesses to positively affect their online reputation. In today?s Internet-driven world, being present and seen optimistically is vital for a successful business.

Looking for help with online reputation? Contact fishbat today! fishbat is a social media agency that can help you with all of your marketing needs!. This article, Online Marketing for the Non-Profit: How to Build an Online Reputation is available for free reprint.


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Finance Constitution Revolution 2012 Some of the Features of ...

As the Internet has exploded, many people have begun to rely on computers to assist with budgeting.

As the Internet has exploded, many people have begun to rely on computers to assist with budgeting. Online personal finance is a multi-billion per year industry. Initially it was popular in helping small businesses with budgeting and tax concerns, but as the computer has become ubiquitous in American homes, average people have begun to regard the computer as indispensible to their personal finance needs.

One of the first, and most attractive, ways that online personal finance tools can help the average person is through automated bill pay. This is a very busy time for the average person who is working more than ever, has a family to attend to, and the many other stresses of day to day life. Automated bill pay is quite simple. The online personal finance software links a person's checking account to their various monthly expenses. It even allows for a person to specify when they would like the bills to be paid. This makes things much easier as this ensures the account is never overdrawn. Most automated payments are made after payday. This can be done for fixed expenses such as Internet or cable TV. Variable expenses can be paid in full or with a specified amount. It not only makes sure that all of the bills are paid and nothing slips through the cracks, resulting in late fees. It also guarantees that the bills are paid before any irresponsible spending takes place. One of the goals of online personal finance is to ensure that a person lives within their means. If all of the bills are paid before any money can be spent this becomes a much more reasonable goal. Certainly there sometimes need to be other changes to one's spending habits that need to be made, but it's an important first step.

Another helpful feature of online personal finance is the built in tax software. Not everyone has very complex taxes. Obviously some people don't have a family and don't have a house or any investments. These people's taxes are quite simple to deal with. However most people that are looking to do some budgeting have more complex situations. Real estate is a great investment for the tax breaks it gives. Having online personal finance software saves money by avoiding having to go to a tax professional and ensures there aren't any mistakes or missed deductions. When people are using online personal finance software to remedy their bad habits, they often overlook tax considerations. Back taxes are often particularly difficult to deal with and online personal finance software can help in this regard. The larger one's family is or the greater the number of investments someone has, the more likely it is that they have tricky taxes and need online personal finance software.

Author: Jeff Nelson


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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Self-help Ideas That Can Help Improve Your Current Circumstances ...

Life should be approached with knowledge and modesty. Study from your experiences since it can help you understand the difference between scenarios you are able to alter, and all those you cannot. You will be less likely to little out more than you may chew when you keep on being modest. You will also require wisdom to maintain your past errors from straying within your future. detox Kuur As a way to develop being a individual, you need to learn all that one could. The best way to succeed is by using your persona growth will be to understand as much info as you can and also to implement that information and facts whenever feasible.

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House, Senate to vote on payroll tax deal (CNN)

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Distinct Kinds Of Vacation Cruises | Free Travel Articles ...

Free Travel Articles Directory | Submit Travel Articles - | The Distinct Kinds Of Vacation Cruises

The Distinct Kinds Of Vacation Cruises


Planning a vacation is very exciting, looking forward to the date to arrive and getting packed, and then the holiday itself. It actually doesn't make a difference what type you decide to go on, whether or not it be inside your own country to an area you have never visited before, to heading overseas. However there is one type of vacation which is extremely extraordinary and can be the most expensive and it is a holiday cruise.

A cruise can provide an individual all the advantages of experiencing other nations, without having to find accommodation, meals and entertainment each night. This really is because everything is provided for you when on board. Rates quoted will incorporate all your night-life and typically all your meals and drinks. They have a lot going on too, with several possessing their own pools onboard, to evening programs which you could see in theaters.

There are many locations that a person can go to while on a cruise trip the most popular are the Caribbean voyages, World cruises and also Norwegian cruise No matter which region you choose to pick, you will have the opportunity to visit several distinct towns and be able to take pleasure in the sightseeing opportunities, their foods and also to understand more about their culture.

Cruises are not just about lengthy journeys to another country either, you may also locate several day cruises to local areas that you might not have been to before, you will find also weekend break and five day breaks too. This implies that going on a cruise trip will not have to break the bank.

For the day cruises you could organize a romantic gesture for your companion, as there are some which will take a group out towards the ocean and have an evening meal under the heavens then followed with a night time show or perhaps a firework display out at sea.

The three to seven day cruises are generally ones which are still fairly local and will likely to be on smaller sized boats, but nonetheless possess the advantages of the bigger ones. These will usually stop at one to three locations during the holiday.

The longer vacation cruises of two weeks or more will obviously stop at much more locations, normally stopping at about eight to ten ports, and of course you get to see more of the different civilizations and sights of the specific area you are going to.

If you have just retired or celebrating a special anniversary you can opt for the world luxury cruise, a luxurious journey about the majority of the world's best places. Depending on what you would prefer to see and do, these can be anywhere in between 80 to 110 days, though you will find some that are for a longer time. This really is a wonderful vacation to take, and though it could be extremely expensive, the only extra money you might require is actually for mementos you might wish to get whenever you stop at each port.

You will find also cruise trips which integrate Disney World, a great enjoyable experience for the entire household. Other themed cruises whether or not they be for one day or longer may be for parties, single people, murder mystery, food and wine, music and film to name just several.

If you are thinking about taking a cruise for any event or even for any length of time there are lots of destination options for you, like picking a Norwegian cruise just by searching on-line or visiting your neighborhood tour operator

Article Courtesy of Free Travel Articles Directory | Submit Travel Articles -


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Friday, February 17, 2012

Dudamel and LA Philharmonic make waves in Caracas

Violinist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Martin Chalifour, left, shakes hands with Venezuela's conductor Gustavo Dudamel before a concert at Teresa Carreno Theater in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday Feb. 15, 2012. Star conductor Gustavo Dudamel is thrilling fans in Venezuela as he performs with the Los Angeles Philharmonic for the first time in his homeland, fresh off winning a Grammy. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Violinist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Martin Chalifour, left, shakes hands with Venezuela's conductor Gustavo Dudamel before a concert at Teresa Carreno Theater in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday Feb. 15, 2012. Star conductor Gustavo Dudamel is thrilling fans in Venezuela as he performs with the Los Angeles Philharmonic for the first time in his homeland, fresh off winning a Grammy. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Cellist from the Los Angeles Philharmonic Ben Hong, left, teaches young musicians from Venezuela?s nationwide orchestra program in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday Feb. 15, 2012. Venezuela's star conductor Gustavo Dudamel is thrilling fans in Venezuela as he performs with the Los Angeles Philharmonic for the first time in his homeland, fresh off winning a Grammy. They are also giving a boost to the famed Venezuelan music teaching program known as "El Sistema." Dudamel is a product of the program, which has brought music education to children throughout the barrios of Venezuela. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

ALTERNATIVE CROP OF XAC103 - Venezuela's conductor Gustavo Dudamel walks between musicians after directing a concert with the Los Angeles Philharmonic at Teresa Carreno Theater in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday Feb. 15, 2012. Star conductor Gustavo Dudamel is thrilling fans in Venezuela as he performs with the Los Angeles Philharmonic for the first time in his homeland, fresh off winning a Grammy. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Venezuela's conductor Gustavo Dudamel walks between musicians after directing a concert with the Los Angeles Philharmonic at Teresa Carreno Theater in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday Feb. 15, 2012. Star conductor Gustavo Dudamel is thrilling fans in Venezuela as he performs with the Los Angeles Philharmonic for the first time in his homeland, fresh off winning a Grammy. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Venezuela's conductor Gustavo Dudamel directs the Los Angeles Philharmonic at Teresa Carreno Theater in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday Feb. 15, 2012. Star conductor Gustavo Dudamel is thrilling fans in Venezuela as he performs with the L.A. Philharmonic for the first time in his homeland, fresh off winning a Grammy. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

(AP) ? Star conductor Gustavo Dudamel is thrilling fans in Venezuela as he performs with the Los Angeles Philharmonic for the first time in his homeland, fresh from winning a Grammy.

They are performing a series of Gustav Mahler's symphonies and giving a boost to the famed Venezuelan music teaching program known as "El Sistema." Dudamel is a product of the program, which has brought music education to children throughout the barrios of Venezuela.

Virtuosos from the L.A. Philharmonic took time to teach young musicians in the orchestra program, and have raved about their training and enthusiasm.

"The learning for me is really to feel the passion from these young artists," said Bing Wang, a 44-year-old violinist originally from Shanghai who is the orchestra's associate concert master. "I have never been here, but I feel through Gustavo and through music we are all connected."

Dudamel was typically passionate and energetic as he led the orchestra on Wednesday night in Mahler's Symphony No. 6, his curly hair bouncing when he jumped at a crescendo. The sold-out audience in Teresa Carreno Theater applauded enthusiastically for several minutes.

"At a personal level, it's a huge challenge, physically just as much as mentally," Dudamel said on Thursday while attending several separate performances by Venezuelan youth and children orchestras. "It isn't easy, but it's wonderful."

The symphonies have been attended by many young musicians shouldering instrument cases. Many of them have studied for much of their lives in El Sistema, or the National System of Youth and Children's Orchestras of Venezuela.

"Mahler is very difficult," said Maria Gabriela Barreto, a 21-year-old violinist in the audience on Wednesday night who said she learned from the musicians' style and who praised Dudamel's magnetism.

The 31-year-old conductor is a national hero in Venezuela. Outside the hall, vendors sold T-shirts and buttons emblazoned with images of him. Also on sale were chocolates wrapped in portraits of Mahler.

Dudamel and the Los Angeles Philharmonic won a Grammy on Sunday for best orchestral performance for Brahms' Symphony No. 4.

Fans who couldn't get tickets watched the concert on a large screen set up on a terrace outside the concert hall.

"It's been truly an experience, every day something different," said Vivian Gonzalez, a 60-year-old retiree who hasn't missed a concert in the series.

The finale comes on Saturday night, when a chorus of about 1,200 singers, including roughly 400 children as young as 7, will join both the L.A. Philharmonic and Venezuela's Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra in performing Mahler's Symphony No. 8. The performance will be broadcast live to more than 400 movie theaters across the U.S., and will also be shown in Argentina, Colombia and Brazil.

It's the first time the L.A. Philharmonic has performed in Venezuela. Dudamel, who is in his third season as the orchestra's music director, said it was a dream for him to lead both orchestras in Venezuela.

"Two at once. It's something historic," Dudamel said. "It's a presentation of unity, of harmony."

"It's an enormous honor for me to be part of this family."

Dudamel joined the audience and applauded at performances by children's orchestras as well as the White Hands Choir of deaf and disabled youth. Singing that accompanied the choreography of white-gloved hands brought some in the audience to tears.

Afterward, the choir members lined up to hug Jose Antonio Abreu, the 72-year-old founder of El Sistema.

Abreu, a former congressman, started the program in 1975, and it has expanded throughout the country since then, providing instruments and training for many children whose families otherwise couldn't afford it. The network of orchestras has been financed by successive governments over the years, and similar teaching programs have sprung up in places from Scotland to California.

Abreu said this week's concerts are similarly making music history.

"We're innovating," Abreu said in an interview in his office. "What's happening here now with this Mahler project is an example for the world, and it's unique."


Ian James on Twitter:

Associated Press


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Office Cleansing Business Advertising Strategies ? Apple TV Rentals

The most efficient way of attaining buyers in the workplace cleaning organization is by means of referrals as this technique entails completely no consumer acquisition costs. It is difficult to reside off word of mouth marketing by yourself even though. For this cause it is essential that you have regular marketing campaigns in location to gain clients as you are starting out so that you retain a steady stream of new inquiries coming in about time.

In the post we search at a amount of workplace cleaning organization marketing approaches and we set out some ideas on preparing campaigns.

Massive Price range Possibilities

With workplace cleaning currently being a localized industry you only want to goal local folks with your marketing campaigns. Massive media options like tv are essentially out of the query for impartial operators. Regional radio and newspaper marketing are some of the large price range options that you could try out but they are generally out of the price range array that new marketplace entrants can pay for.

Your Company Site

Once you have a good site up there are so many ways to market it on-line. Even so, for this post I will stick mainly with offline marketing approaches.

Automobile Advertising

Really dont neglect this a single as it gives a way of obtaining some excellent coverage in your community for no cost. Once you pay out for the initial expense of acquiring magnetic indicators produced or a auto wrap applied to your organization auto you have many many years of no cost coverage to search forward to.

Regional Company Directories

An advertisement in the Yellow Pages can be expensive but it is typically the initial location that folks search when they want a cleaning service.

Think Outside the Box

Borrow ideas from other service industry companies in your region. Get collectively with some related companies and examine ideas. Look at how you could perform collectively to do joint marketing promotions in a way that permits you to split the costs.

You ought to test out many diverse marketing approaches and you ought to always try out to track your benefits to isolate the approaches that are price efficient and bringing in benefits.

A excellent way to start off obtaining ideas is to search at what your rivals are performing. If they have been all around for a few many years then it is likely that they have examined many marketing approaches and are sticking with the winners only.

Always retain in mind that you might have to run an advert about a long period of time for it to be efficient. If folks see it about and about again you will sink into their subconscious mind and they will bear in mind your advert when they want an workplace cleaning organization.

Profitable marketing ought to be the basis of your workplace cleaning organization marketing efforts. Advertising, when carried out appropriately will make certain that your cellphone is always ringing and that you have the quantity of leads that you want to be signing up a regular stream of new buyers.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Fishing Tackle of the Gods of Fishing | Recreation & Sports

One of the most popular members of the pantheon of deities of Roman Mythology is Apollo, the god of knowledge and oracles. Grey?s MK3 Rod was named after this god since some of its qualities are patterned after the characteristics of this Roman deity. This fishing tackle has a configuration and design that combines both information and experience when it is used in water. This rod is the same as Apollo in such a way that it can see the future catch of the rod for that day.

The configuration of this fishing tackle is composed of two sections that are joined together by a Slide Lock reel seat with Fuji BMNAG rings and a Rod Bag for easy transport. Even with the Rod Bands, the casting weight of this rod is only between five and six ounces. The reel foot of this rod is also raised and bolted for added stability and durability. Similar to Apollo?s Delphic prophecies, one can rely on the MK3 when it comes to angling advantage in water.

The design of the butt of Apollo MK3 fishing tackle is parallel so it looks slender yet still durable despite of being lightweight. This rod and reel design enables this equipment to be easily managed by the angler despite of the situation in the water changing. This rod provides accuracy on the fishing line when it is casted until it reaches the water, making the casting of the bait easier. Easier and more accurate handling is also offered by this rod through the ?Sure Grip? patented shrink tube added to its Slide Lock Reel. This rod?s accuracy and easy handling can be compared to Apollo?s signature sun chariot.

This fishing tackle has a length of thirteen to fourteen feet. The MK3 design is a result of its company?s strict and vast laboratory and open water research, ensuring its premium capacity of providing the best experience to anglers. This rod also uses a stainless steel frame which is commonly used by the best casting and spinning rods and BMNAG Alconite guides from Fuji which gives it a lightweight construction. This rod is further strengthened by its black encrusted surface and its reel also works best when used with braided lines. This rod can be considered as one of the best in the fishing equipment industry, being closely related and designed from Apollo?s ideas and innovations.

The Apollo MK3 fishing tackle is the brainchild of the Greys company with the help from the experts like Rebecca Thorpe, Chris Ogborne, Henry Gilbey, and Nick Hart. All products of this company are made only by the leading technicians in this business with the use of the most up-to-date technology in creating quality freshwater and saltwater fishing rods. The collaboration and efforts of these experts clearly prophesies that this rod will provide nothing but the best performance in any kind of fishing trip.

Thus, if you are someone who is searching for the best fishing tackle, the Greys Apollo Mk3 rod is an option that you should consider. This rod is made of only the best of materials and was developed with the assistance of the best anglers in the industry. Surely, this rod is one of the best investments a future champion angler should have.

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Euro countries voice doubts over Greek bailout

Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos, right, speaks to the press after a meeting with the Greek President Karolos Papoulias in Athens Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012. Greece's finance minister said that all pending issues in its international creditors' requirements for the country's second bailout will be completed ahead of a Wednesday evening conference call between eurozone finance ministers. Venizelos made the comments after a meeting with President Karolos Papoulias, who he said will give up his presidential salary to help in the crisis.(AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos, right, speaks to the press after a meeting with the Greek President Karolos Papoulias in Athens Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012. Greece's finance minister said that all pending issues in its international creditors' requirements for the country's second bailout will be completed ahead of a Wednesday evening conference call between eurozone finance ministers. Venizelos made the comments after a meeting with President Karolos Papoulias, who he said will give up his presidential salary to help in the crisis.(AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos, left, shakes hands with Greek President Karolos Papoulias, during their meeting at the Presidential palace in Athens, on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012. Greece's finance minister said that all pending issues in its international creditors' requirements for the country's second bailout will be completed ahead of a Wednesday evening conference call between eurozone finance ministers.Venizelos made the comments after a meeting with President Karolos Papoulias, who he said will give up his presidential salary to help in the crisis.(AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

A worker cleans the sign of the Bank of Greece from red and black paint, after Sunday's riots, in Athens, on Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012. Firefighters doused smoldering buildings and cleanup crews swept rubble from the streets of central Athens following a night of rioting during which lawmakers approved harsh new austerity measures demanded by bailout creditors to save the nation from bankruptcy. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos, left, speaks with Greek President Karolos Papoulias, during their meeting at the Presidential palace in Athens, on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012. Greece's finance minister said that all pending issues in its international creditors' requirements for the country's second bailout will be completed ahead of a Wednesday evening conference call between eurozone finance ministers.Venizelos made the comments after a meeting with President Papoulias, who he said will give up his presidential salary to help in the crisis.(AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos, center, speaks to the press after a meeting with the Greek President Karolos Papoulias in Athens Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012. Greece's finance minister said that all pending issues in its international creditors' requirements for the country's second bailout will be completed ahead of a Wednesday evening conference call between eurozone finance ministers. Venizelos made the comments after a meeting with President Karolos Papoulias, who he said will give up his presidential salary to help in the crisis.(AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

(AP) ? Some eurozone countries have strong doubts over whether a second massive bailout can actually save Greece, officials said Wednesday, even as Athens rushed to meet tough conditions to qualify for the euro130 billion ($170 billion) rescue.

The wrangling over Athens' aid money comes after almost two years of frantic efforts to save Greece from bankruptcy and secure its place in the 17-country currency union.

But circumstances have changed since the eurozone agreed on a first euro110 billion ($145 billion) rescue for Greece back in May 2010.

Several politicians ? especially in rich euro countries like Germany, the Netherlands and Finland ? have grown tired of Greece repeatedly missing budget targets and failing to implement promised spending cuts, economic reforms and sales of state assets. The measures that have been put into practice, meanwhile, have pushed the country into steep recession, with its economy shrinking 7 percent in the final quarter of 2011 from a year earlier.

At the same time, at least some policymakers are optimistic that the eurozone is now strong enough to handle a default by Greece, which is one of the smallest economies in the currency union, responsible for only about 2 percent of its economic output. Meanwhile, other lawmakers are concerned that the shockwaves of a disorderly Greek default would be felt across the rest of Europe and the world's financial markets.

"There are many in the eurozone who don't want us any more," Greece's Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos told the country's president, Karolos Papoulias, during a meeting to inform him of the latest developments. Greece, Venizelos added, had to persuade the skeptics that the country could stay in the currency union and regain lost ground in reforming its economy.

"We are facing a situation that is particular because we are constantly being given new terms and conditions," the finance minister said.

Venizelos' negative assessment was backed by an official in Brussels.

"There is resentments, mistrust, really bitter debate," said a European official, who has been briefed on recent talks between eurozone finance chiefs. The official was speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic.

Tuesday night, a meeting between eurozone finance ministers planned for Wednesday was canceled after Athens failed to deliver in time on several demands made the previous week. The country's international creditors ? the other 16 countries that use the euro and the International Monetary Fund ? are insisting that the austerity measures have to be implemented before Greece can get a second, euro130 billion ($172 billion) bailout.

Eurogroup chairman Jean-Claude Juncker said he was still missing details on how to save an extra euro325 million ($428 million) as well as written assurances by the leaders of the main political parties that they will stick to a second bailout program after elections expected for April.

Wednesday afternoon, the head of Greece's Conservative party, Antonis Samaras, sent a letter to the country's international creditors committing to the terms of the second international bailout.

"We will remain committed to the program's objectives, targets and key policies," Samaras, likely Greece's next prime minister, wrote.

However, he also stated that policies might have to be modified in order to help the economy recover from the deep recession it is currently in, although he underlined these would not change the ultimate targets in reforming the economy.

Socialist party head George Papandreou sent his letter Tuesday night, officials said. They also said that the euro325 million ($428 million) in cuts should be secured by the end of the day.

But the European official briefed on recent talks said even those assurances may not be enough.

"People don't trust the Greeks and that is the main element," he said.

Adding to that are concerns that the upcoming election campaign will forcibly slow down or hinder implementation ? assurances or not.

"Gaps in implementation (during elections) are real," the official said.

At their most recent get-together, last week, finance chiefs lashed out at their Greek colleague, with Finland's Finance Minister Jutta Urpilainen chewing Venizelos out in front of the cameras over a documents she said still had not been signed.

The perceived humiliation of Greece and the real human suffering brought on by four years of recession have often sparked violent protests in Athens and other Greek cities as well as growing resentment against Germany and the EU, which seen as imposing unnecessarily painful cuts.

But politicians in Athens and Brussels have warned about the negative consequences of a default.

"We do not have a choice between a pleasant or unpleasant option ? but a choice that is between either unpleasant or even more unpleasant solutions," Venizelos said Wednesday.

Apart from doubts over Greece's commitment to the bailout, there are still several missing elements in the rescue package that are outside Athens' control.

When eurozone leaders in late October tentatively agreed on more aid, they pinned down key parameters: By 2020, Greece's debt has to decline to around 120 percent of economic output ? the maximum they said was sustainable without outside help ? from more than 160 percent currently.

Besides the euro130 billion in rescue loans, Athens was asked to negotiate a voluntary debt-relief with banks and other private investors that hold Greek government bonds. The aim of that deal is to shave some euro100 billion ($132 billion) off Greece's euro350 billion ($461 billion) debt and give Greece much more time to repay the rest of the money it owes private bondholders.

But even provided that Greece gets the bailout and the deal with bondholders works out, debt inspectors from the EU and the International Monetary Fund believe the 2020 target would still be missed. Late last month, an EU official said a gap of some euro15 billion ($19.6 billion) remained.

There are hopes that the European Central Bank, which also holds a substantial amount of Greek bonds, can help fill that gap, but so far the ECB has remained vague on whether and how it would do so.

Despite all these problems, several European officials, who also declined to be named, said Wednesday that they expected the bailout to go ahead. There are fears that an uncontrolled default could hurt other week countries like Portugal and even rock some of the big economies in Europe's core.

Instead of the Wednesday meeting, finance ministers will in the evening discuss the latest developments in Greece in a teleconference later Wednesday and meet in person in Brussels on Monday.

At that meeting, they are expected to give Greece the green light to move ahead with the bond-swap deal it has negotiated private investors.

For the bond-swap to work it has to be launched quickly, as it will take several weeks to implement and has to be finalized before March 20, when Greece faces a euro14.5 billion ($19.1 billion) bond redemption it cannot afford to pay.


Becartoros reported from Athens, Greece. Derek Gatopoulos in Athens and Caf Casert in Brussels

Associated Press


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