Tuesday, May 7, 2013

a creative Jesus writing

This is a creative writing about Jesus and perceptives of religion, I am a Unitarian yet have not studied all religions and their cultures.

So here goes the creative writings..

Jesus sacrificed himself to the lord of materialism. Is Lord mother, father nature of the natural world. The trees (make homes). On the cross, were date seeds thrown at the man, or was it a woman on a cross too!

Had Jesus been an englishman, ship sailing had been common.
Jesus had he been of a captain crew.

Father & mother
were to time, love, understanding,

Is a sithlord the one who ended up being crossed?

Jesus and a woman

T'was Drama over differntiality's, these days there is more patience..and ?!kindness

Had the crossed been afraid, because their ethics were too much for "pleasure,
perhaps scarcity of body color had been a conflict..

and ships were too magical seeming.

Was she let go from the cross, because she was a !woman.
The friend that finally ended Jesus' physical pain of being crossed, took a knife to jesus' chest,, was that friend the ?!sitlord

"when father, is mother
and God
and ..you**************** was jesus' last sight


Platonians believed in reincarnation, because of seeds, and trust.
The wind that carries the care of wisdom, does not believe in killing.

what is threat? threat is probably related to assumtiveness.


The bible's discuss value struggles!
The english-american english translations of the dhammapda discuss value disciplines.
The hindu gods..are many to be curious about, siimilar yet different to Greek Mythology
* I haven't much studied every religion, I am still young. Yet it seems that
each religion is religion
that wants greater value to take place.(ethic)

When it is that life isn't regarded, or lacks too much in beauty
and one doesn't question or participate of beauty much.. appreciation of the self isn't always what it could be.

Principle, is integrity.

Hearing & speaking
not everone has the same velocity range or capacity
And when respect is finding it's way
Maintenance of honor
is best..

when tag hurts
often the natural world that isn't directly human responds in ways of fright.


one doesn't cut a tree, one measures it
measureing a tree for vitality.....
A home that feels like a win..is only a win if the home is cared for and honored..
How does one honor a home, Yes by keeping the home in regard,, Yes by speaking and behaving in ways that !aren't !murderous.


thanks for reading,

good day *

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2013 07:16AM by anew.

Source: http://forum.nin.com/bb/read.php?35,1444299,1444299

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