Thursday, February 21, 2013

North Korea propaganda video shows Obama, troops in flames

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We help our.

Sun is killing your propaganda video believed to have been posted by North Korea showing.

American troops and President Obama in flames.

Now this just days after North Korea conducted what it claims a successful nuclear test here -- parts of the new video watch -- here.

Amateur no question.

But not to be taken lightly KT McFarland -- Fox News national security analyst former deputy assistant secretary of defense during the Reagan.

Years and good morning it's my -- part of what it was set on that video is that the United States increasingly unfair bully activities.

Against North Korea a solemn warning that time is no longer on the side of the United States America should answer.

-- do you read that.

Father but they're trying to develop nuclear weapons analyst for any excuse they -- so they don't blame the United States.

But I think the scary part -- number -- -- you've got the right word amateurish we should be laughing at this right this is so amateurish and juvenile.

Young Korean leader making silly videos last week he had a music video about -- Manhattan.

The compliments.

He's -- nuclear weapon he's closer we get those closer and closer to do.

If you're not just having it but I'm mobile -- -- CIA say perhaps he has for nuclear bombs at the moment yeah we've got enough enriched uranium to probably make for a nuclear weapons what do you need for new.

You need enriched uranium -- the fuel.

You need a missile to deliberate briefed they've tested that was -- -- attest to that.

The third thing you need is a blueprint.

Which pulls it all together and that's what they're testing now.

And they dip last week so the worry is when they get nuclear weapons what then happens.

Don't think -- I wake up in the San Francisco they don't want to pick a fight with us.

A dirty fight -- what -- Seoul South Korea but south South Korea Japan will those countries decide they need to arm reed army even go nuclear.

Will North Korea sell.

Their weapons to Iran they certainly have in the past where North Korea tests a weapon is called the type the Don they sell -- to the Iranians Iranians -- -- -- call it.

Such a -- missile and then they've got the missile.

We know that the Iranians are probably of engineers in North Korea helping with the North Korean nuclear underground tests that they had last week.

So you don't just look at North Korea getting nuclear does Iran get nuclear.

Well -- let's put a fine point on this in the last two months they've tested a nuclear weapon right underground thought to be an earthquake at first later -- verified it was a nuclear test.

They also tested a multi stage rocket.

Yeah they're trying to put one on top of the other.

And join forces.

And perhaps either use that as they have weapon of propaganda.

Or -- perhaps even more nefarious than that.

Think of North -- you're absolutely right they are give you can't dismiss.

The -- incredible statements they make because they will have their hands on nuclear weapons within a short period of time.

But the big question is what are they gonna do with -- and why are they doing that.

You've said before North Korea has nothing in the world wants they don't make import they don't export anything beyond commits -- weapons.

-- the only thing they have in their starving you know I think they have to sell its weapons -- Selma.

The other thing to have -- cell is the United States because all they do is -- United States into a picture.

Can't blame the US I mean where are they as a country or where are they with propaganda without having the United States to blame and you wonder what we are doing.

To -- this or is it our duty responsibility leadership perhaps -- be Beijing.

You know what is China doing.

Well that's right and we have outsourced fat tip to China we have said look China provides 75% of North Korea's food.

Fuel oil heating fuel what the Chinese still with -- and the Chinese have not.

They may need to make a statement or to -- no North Korea shouldn't do this but -- not stopped North Korean fact we've just seen this week China's feeling so.

Emboldened that attacking and every computer in North America.

There is a statement also as the saying this from North -- as the saying goes a newborn -- knows no fear of -- tiger.

I read two things in the back -- it it's either a new leader Kim Jung on.

Or perhaps it's.

-- it's more of a statement almost as.

May be a apple -- language is say that we are the newborn poppy.

Has -- nuclear power.

That the world now has to address your -- Go either way could be the newborn puppy is the new young leader of North Korea doesn't know any fears doesn't know any bounds it could be we North Korea -- the tiger we've got the nukes.

You guys should -- us.

The problem is that this is all really heating up to -- -- in the past this is an area of the world that the Chinese have been really content to have little low boil.

They don't want it to boil over -- now threatened to board so what does China do.

That's the big question you know Beijing hasn't made a move that we know they have not made a move and that I think -- what they fear.

As much as anything is that a North Korea -- pushed too far North Korea.

If they use their leverage North Korea collapses then there are millions of North Korean refugees running across the Yellow River.

And to China causing China problems at a time when its economy is starting to slow down.

I'll tell you mentioned the issue -- out of this past week and also you know what to -- North Korea.

-- discussed -- thank you to see real soon are right.


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