Thursday, February 28, 2013

First lady announces effort to help kids exercise

CHICAGO (AP) ? Imagine students learning their ABCs while dancing, or memorizing multiplication tables while doing jumping jacks.

Some schools are using both methods of instruction, and Michelle Obama would like to see more of them use other creative ways to help students get the recommended hour of daily exercise.

In Chicago on Thursday, the first lady was announcing a new public-private partnership to help schools do just that. "Let's Move Active Schools" starts with a website, , where school officials and others can sign up to get started.

Mrs. Obama said too many penny-pinched schools have either cut spending on physical education or eliminated it outright to put the money toward classroom instruction. But the first lady who starts most days with a workout ? and other advocates of helping today's largely sedentary kids move their bodies ? say that's a false choice, since studies that show exercise helps youngsters focus and do well in school.

The effort is one of the newest parts of Mrs. Obama's 3-year-old campaign against childhood obesity, known as "Let's Move," which she has spent the week promoting.

"With each passing year, schools feel like it's just getting harder to find the time, the money and the will to help our kids be active. But just because it's hard doesn't mean we should stop trying," the first lady said in her prepared remarks. "It means we should try harder. It means that all of us ? not just educators, but businesses and nonprofits and ordinary citizens ? we all need to dig deeper and start getting even more creative."

She was being joined for the announcement at McCormick Place in her hometown by several Olympians, including gymnasts Dominique Dawes and Gabby Douglas, sprinter Allyson Felix, tennis player Serena Williams and decathlete Ashton Eaton, along with San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and triathlete Sarah Reinertsen, whose left leg was amputated above the knee when she was a child. Thousands of students from city middle schools also were being brought in for the event.

Research shows that daily exercise has a positive influence on academic performance, but kids today spend too much time sitting, mostly in school but also outside the classroom while watching TV, playing video games or surfing the Internet. Federal guidelines recommend that children ages 6-17 get at least 60 minutes of exercise daily, which can be racked up through multiple spurts of activity throughout the day.

The White House says the most current data, from 2007, shows that just 4 percent of elementary schools, 8 percent of middle schools and 2 percent of high schools provided daily physical education.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan said he's proof of the link between exercise and academic performance. As a boy, he said, he had a hard time sitting still in class but that exercise helped him focus.

"What's true for me is true for many of our nation's children," he said in an interview.

Duncan, who played basketball professionally in Australia, said the choice is not between physical activity or academics, especially with about one-third of U.S. kids either overweight or obese and at higher risk for life-threatening illnesses like heart disease or diabetes.

"It's got to be both," he said. Duncan cited the examples of students learning the alphabet while dancing or memorizing multiplication tables while doing jumping jacks.

Mrs. Obama called on school staff, families and communities to help get 50,000 schools, about half the number of public schools in the U.S., involved in the program over the next five years.

The President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation will oversee the program. Funding and other resources will come from Nike Inc., the GENYOUth Foundation, ChildObesity180, Kaiser Permanente and the General Mills Foundation.

Under the new initiative, modest grants will be available from the Education Department to help some programs get started. The GENYOUth Foundation and ChildObesity180 also will be awarding grants.

Nike has committed $50 million to the effort over the next five years; the remaining groups together have pledged more than $20 million.

Williams said it's important to structure the activity so that it doesn't feel like a workout.

"I had fun and I didn't realize it was work," she said about her years of practice before become one of America's top tennis players.



Let's Move:


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Many Venezuelans believe in Chavez recovery

A supporter of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez holds a photo of him, alongside Cuba's Raul Castro, right, and Fidel Castro, during a event to commemorate the violent street protests of 1989 known as the "Caracazo," in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013. The wave of 1989 violent protests, seen by the current government as a "popular uprising," was in response to the economic measures imposed by then President Carlos Andres Perez. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

A supporter of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez holds a photo of him, alongside Cuba's Raul Castro, right, and Fidel Castro, during a event to commemorate the violent street protests of 1989 known as the "Caracazo," in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013. The wave of 1989 violent protests, seen by the current government as a "popular uprising," was in response to the economic measures imposed by then President Carlos Andres Perez. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

A woman holds a picture of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez and the country's national flag during an event commemorating the violent street protests of 1989 known as the "Caracazo," in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013. The wave of the 1989 violent protests, seen by the Chavez government as a "popular uprising," was in response to the economic measures imposed by then President Carlos Andres Perez. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

A woman holds a picture of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez during an event commemorating the violent street protests of 1989 known as the "Caracazo," in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013. The wave of the 1989 violent protests, seen by the Chavez government as a "popular uprising," was in response to the economic measures imposed by then President Carlos Andres Perez. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

A man wearing a handcrafted mask depicting the face of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez attends an event commemorating the violent street protests of 1989 known as the "Caracazo," in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013. The wave of the 1989 violent protests, seen by the Chavez government as a "popular uprising," was in response to the economic measures imposed by then PresidentCarlos Andres Perez. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) ? Venezuela's vice president said Thursday that Hugo Chavez is still fighting for his life, yet a recent poll says three in five Venezuelans believe their president will return to power.

Nicolas Maduro, Chavez's self-appointed successor, said on television that his boss "is battling there for his health, for his life, and we're accompanying him."

The vice president had characterized Chavez's condition similarly on Dec. 20, saying the president "is fighting a great battle ... for his life, for his health."

Chavez hasn't spoken or been seen since before his fourth operation in Cuba on Dec. 11 for an unspecified cancer in the pelvic area.

The government says he has been breathing with the help of a tracheal tube after surviving a serious respiratory infection. It says Chavez returned on Feb. 18 and is at a military hospital in Caracas for continued treatment for "respiratory insufficiency."

Despite speculation by doctors not involved in Chavez's treatment that it is most likely palliative, designed only to make him more comfortable in his remaining days, many Venezuelans apparently believe ? or want to believe ? he is on the mend.

"The president's prolonged absence and his critical situation have not been converted into massive pessimism about his return," respected pollster Luis Vicente Leon tweeted Thursday.

He said nearly 58 percent of Venezuelans believe Chavez will recover while about 30 percent believe he will not return to power and 12.5 percent say they don't know what will happen. One percent, meanwhile, believe Chavez was never sick.

Leon, chief of the Datanalisis polling firm, told The Associated Press that the Feb. 11 poll of 1,198 people had an error margin of three percentage points.

He said he thought the poll reflected people's desire not to believe the worst about someone who is dear to them, just as people resist accepting that a close relative might be dying.

Leon also said he thought reports of government officials holding hours-long meetings with Chavez had contributed to the belief of many Venezuelans that Chavez will return.

"The government has sent permanent messages that President Chavez will return, that he meets with the vice president for five hours," Leon noted.

He said people don't necessarily believe that, however, as the poll found 44 percent think the government has not been transparent in discussing the Chavez's health.

In his televised remarks, Maduro called for Venezuelans to keep praying for Chavez and remain loyal to the committed socialist who has been their president for more than 19 years.

"Do you know why Comandante Chavez neglected his health and has been battling (cancer) for nearly two years?" he said. "Because he completely surrendered body and soul and forgot all his obligations to himself in order to give himself to the homeland."

Chavez, 58, himself has previously acknowledged that he was neglecting his health in recent years, often staying up late and consuming cup after cup of coffee to remain alert.

The president has undergone surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation treatments since June 2011, when he first announced his cancer diagnosis. He hasn't specified the type of cancer or the exact location in his pelvic region where his tumors have been removed.

On Feb. 15, the government released four photographs of Chavez lying in a bed in Cuba with his two daughters by his side. They were the only images of him published since early December.

Re-elected in October, Chavez was scheduled to have been sworn in on Jan. 10. But the Supreme Court said the swearing-in could be delayed.


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Associated Press


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Morocco: waitress raped and murdered in Casablanca | Morocco ...

By Sara El Bekri

Morocco World News

Casablanca, February 26, 2013

Moroccans woke up on Tuesday morning to the grim news of a horrible crime in Casablanca, whose protagonist is a street cigarette vendor.

According to police reports, the victim was a young waitress in her twenties who was sexually abused and killed by a street cigarette vendor. The crime took place on Monday 25th in Sidi Albarnoussi in Casablanca.

The police reported that, while on her way back from work early in the day, the victim was forced under knife threats to go home with the 35 year old culprit. The latter ruthlessly raped her then murdered her.

Moreover, after taking the young girl?s life, the murderer dragged his victim next to the closest mall center and abused her dead body.

? Morocco World News. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, rewritten or redistributed


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Iraq resumes flights to Kuwait after 22-year halt

BAGHDAD (AP) ? An Iraqi Airways flight landed in Kuwait on Wednesday for the first time since Saddam Hussein's 1990 invasion of the tiny emirate as the neighboring states try to repair more than two decades of strained relations.

Government ministers from both countries were on hand for the ceremonial landing at the international airport in Kuwait City shortly before noon.

Iraq's Transportation Ministry spokesman, Karim al-Nouri, said the flight will open "important horizons for cooperation based on brotherhood" with Kuwait. Passenger demand will determine the number of flights in the future, he said.

In January, Kuwait's parliament approved a deal under which Baghdad will pay $500 million in compensation to Kuwait's national carrier for damages caused during the Iraqi occupation. The accord seeks to end a long-running dispute over reparations for Kuwait Airways.

The disagreement had centered on Kuwait's accusations that Saddam's regime stole 10 airplanes and millions of dollars' worth of equipment and spare parts during the invasion. Kuwait earlier wanted $1.2 billion in reparations, which Iraq's postwar leaders resisted.

The chairman and managing director of Kuwait Airways Corp., Sami al-Nisf, said all outstanding issues between the Kuwaiti and Iraqi carriers have been completely and fully resolved, Kuwait's state news agency reported. He suggested that there could be interest in Kuwait resuming flights to Baghdad, but an aircraft shortage hinders those plans for now.

Although the airline dispute appears settled, there are other disputes over war reparations between the two nations.


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Critiquing a Web Site That Tries to Keep It Simple -

It sounds easy. Sell your product online. Design it to tempt every visitor into becoming a buyer. Add an easy-to-use self-service interface that lets customers get answers without interacting with a salesclerk. Everything seems to happen magically, and everything goes smoothly, without any issues. There may be businesses that manage to accomplish this, but rarely without a few struggles. In this post, we look at one company, Recruiterbox, and its attempt to attract customers and interact with them seemlessly.

Raj Sheth and his two partners created Recruiterbox to help companies organize their recruiting and hiring processes. An entrepreneur from India, Mr. Sheth understood that at many growing companies, the r?sum?s, interviews and internal feedback live ?all over the place,? buried in any number of in-boxes, spreadsheets and side conversations. In 2011, Recruiterbox which is based in Boston and Bangalore and has a team of 12 people, introduced a Web-based tool that automates the entire process. Hiring managers can try the service for free for a single job opening; the fee jumps to $60, $120 or $200 per month for three, six or 10 openings, respectively.

When Recruiterbox was introduced, the company stayed away from outbound marketing like e-mail or telemarketing, opting instead to rely on word-of-mouth, postings to human resources and recruitment blogs and a presence in app stores (like Google Apps). This netted their first 100 or so customers (as well as a few media mentions). Still, attracting visitors to the site was slow, and customer growth, while consistent, remained humble ? in the low hundreds at the end of the first year. In 2012, the customer base grew to 500.

Mr. Sheth has found that he can generate traffic by answering media queries on and by crafting frequent blog and video posts that address important H.R. issues. He also has found that including a transcript with the videos helps boost Recruiterbox?s organic search rankings on Google.

Still, revenue grew only slightly after a few months, so Mr. Sheth created a paid Google AdWords campaign. While the quality of customers that came through this channel was high, larger competitors drove up the bids for popular keywords. As a result, each click cost from $7 to $15 ? making AdWords an expensive customer-acquisition channel. The Recruiterbox team kept a fixed budget on their campaign and tweaked the ads, but the cost per paying customer remained high, as much as $500.

After a year, the team began analyzing customer reactions to the sign-up process and pricing structure, which resulted in the company offering more service options. Recruiterbox now handles start-ups and smaller companies ? those with fewer jobs to fill ? through a self-service tool. The site has found that most of the companies that try the service end up completing the 14-day free trial and electing to continue with the monthly subscription.

But Recruiterbox wants to help larger companies, too ? those looking to fill as many as 50 openings. And that?s the challenge: larger clients that want to fill 10 to 25 jobs are much more likely to require an initial service walk-through over the phone to understand how the software works. That of course is a time-consuming burden for a small company.

So the questions facing Mr. Sheth and Recruiterbox are:

Does it make sense for Recruiterbox to focus more attention on one particular customer segment?

? Would concentrating on self-service customers allow Recruiterbox to stick with its original goals and get more business?

? Is that market ? companies with fewer positions to fill ? large enough?

? Should Recruiterbox add more inside sales people to attract and retain larger companies or is that splintering the business focus?

Some questions for readers to think about while looking at

? Is it easy to understand?

? Can you tell what it?s offering within 15 seconds of landing on the site?

? Would you register without contacting customer support?

? What are your thoughts on tiered service fees?

? Do those fees represent the right value for the cost?

Next week, we?ll follow up with highlights from your comments and I?ll offer my own impressions along with Mr. Sheth?s response.

Would you like to have your business?s Web site or mobile app reviewed? This is an opportunity for companies looking for an honest (and free) appraisal of their online presence and marketing efforts.

To be considered, please tell us ?about your experiences ? why you started your site, what works, what doesn?t and why you would like to have the site reviewed ? in an e-mail to

Richard Demb is co-founder of Abe?s Market, an online marketplace for natural products that is based in Chicago.


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chrome 26 beta adds context-aware spelling checks so you kan rite gud

Chrome 26 beta adds cloudaware spelling checks so you kan rite gud

We've all grown a little complacent with our spelling now that auto-correction has filtered down to the OS level, and that creates problems when we use browsers that aren't quite so diligent. Those who grab Google's Chrome 26 beta, though, will get an extra safety net for their writing skills. Chrome OS, Linux and Windows users receive an optional, cloud-synced spelling engine that watches for errors in context and pays attention to broader grammatical issues. The engine also covers a much wider range of proper nouns, so it's less likely to throw a red flag when unique subjects are involved. Mac users and non-English writers will have to wait for matching support; everyone else can hit the source link to avoid future typographical train wrecks.

Filed under: , ,


Via: Google Chrome Blog, Chrome Releases

Source: Google


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Relaxation Resource Launches iPhone App That Helps You Chill, Grabs $415K In Angel Funding, which began as a website that helped busy, information-overloaded web workers take a mental break, is now turning into a real business. The company is today announcing a $415,000 round of funding from a number of notable angel investors, and the debut of a mobile application initially aimed at teaching relaxation.


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Egypt hot air balloon crash kills 19 tourists: spokesman

CAIRO (Reuters) - A hot air balloon crashed near the Egyptian town of Luxor on Tuesday, killing 19 tourists who were aboard, a spokesman for companies that operate balloon flights in the area told Reuters.

Ahmed Aboud added that one tourist and the balloon pilot had survived the accident, which happened after a gas explosion at 1,000 feet. He said the tourists were from a variety of countries but did not immediately have information on their nationalities.

"There were 20 passengers aboard. An explosion happened and 19 passengers died. One tourist and the pilot survived," he said by telephone. Aboud is the representative of eight companies that operate balloons in Luxor.

(Reporting by Tom Perry; editing by David Stamp)


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Monday, February 25, 2013

TV production helicopter crash described

(AP) ? A preliminary report on a fatal helicopter crash during production of a reality TV show north of Los Angeles says the craft suddenly pitched down and hit the ground about a minute after taking off in early morning darkness on Feb. 10.

The National Transportation Safety Board says the production crew on the ground was not filming at the time, but there was a camera operator aboard and a camera pointed at an actor in the left front seat. The recording devices were sent to NTSB headquarters for examination.

The pilot, camera operator and actor were killed in the 3:30 a.m. crash of the Bell 206B JetRanger at a remote site near Acton.

The helicopter was being used for scenes in which the actor dropped a backpack to the ground.

Associated Press


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fidel Castro makes rare appearance in parliament

HAVANA (Reuters) - Retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro made a rare public appearance Sunday by joining the opening session of the National Assembly, state media reported amid speculation the gathering could give clues on planning for a future leadership succession.

Since falling ill in 2006 and ceding the presidency to his brother, Fidel Castro has given up all official positions except as a deputy in the National Assembly. At Sunday's session, he took his seat beside brother President Raul Castro, only the second time he has graced the assembly chambers since his illness and the first since 2010.

Fidel Castro's surprise appearance added to expectations, fueled by his brother, that the usually routine session might shed light on future leadership of the communist-run nation.

In a back and forth with reporters on Friday, Raul Castro joked about his eventual retirement and urged them to pay attention to Sunday's conclave, which is closed to foreign journalists.

"I'm going to turn 82; I have a right to retire already," he said. "You don't believe me? Why are you so incredulous?" he said.

The 612 deputies, who were elected in an uncontested vote February 3, are expected to name a new 31-member Council of State with Raul Castro as president, despite his quip.

The National Assembly meets for just a few weeks each year and delegates its legislative powers between sessions to the Council of State, which also functions as the nation's executive through the Council of Ministers it appoints.

Governments, Cuba watchers and Cubans will be watching to see if there are any new, and younger, faces among the Council of State members, in particular its first vice president and five vice presidents, with an average age over 70.

The new government is almost certain to be the last headed up by the Castro brothers and the generation that has ruled Cuba since they swept down from the mountains in the 1959 revolution that led to a long-running feud with Washington.

Raul Castro, 81, would begin his second term on Sunday, theoretically leaving him free to retire in 2018, aged 86.

Eighty percent of the parliament's 612 members, with an average age under 50, were born after the Revolution.


Raul Castro, who officially replaced his ailing brother as president in 2008, has repeatedly called for senior leaders to hold office for no more than two, five-year terms.

"Although we kept on trying to promote young people to senior positions, life proved that we did not always make the best choice," Castro said at a Party Congress in 2011.

"Today, we are faced with the consequences of not having a reserve of well-trained replacements....It's really embarrassing that we have not solved this problem in more than half a century," he said.

The 2011 party summit adopted a more than 300-point plan to "update" Cuba's Soviet-style economic system, designed to transform it from one based on collective production and consumption to one where individual effort and reward play a far more important role.

Across-the-board subsidies are being replaced by the country's first comprehensive tax code and targeted welfare.

Fidel Castro, these days referred to as the "historic leader of the revolution," is no longer seen as wielding real power, but he has maintained a public presence through his writings, meetings with important visitors and rare appearances.

Esteban Lazo, member of the political bureau of the Community Party and vice president of the Council of State, 68, was named parliament president Sunday to replace a retiring Ricardo Alarcon, who served for 20 years.

(Reporting By Marc Frank; Editing by David Adams and Cynthia Osterman)


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Wide receivers at NFL Combine not lacking in confidence

The Miami Herald

When asked to name the best receiver in this year?s draft class ? other than himself, mind you ? Kenbrell Thompkins didn?t miss a beat.

?Kenbrell Thompkins,? replied Thompkins, the Miami Northwestern High graduate who played his college ball at Cincinnati.

He wasn?t joking.

A few hours earlier, West Virginia?s Tavon Austin went one better. He didn?t limit his greatness to the wide receiver position. Austin said he was the best all-around player in the entire draft.

If this year?s group of draft-eligible wideouts has half as much talent as it does confidence, the Dolphins should have no trouble finding a playmaking receiver the team so desperately craves.

Thompkins, Austin and roughly a dozen other pass-catching prospects took their turn behind the mic Friday, speaking at the NFL Scouting Combine.

Many are also in the process of cycling through the Dolphins? interview room. Still, the team brass will likely care more about what they do this weekend than what they say.

Wide receiver is the ultimate position of need for the Dolphins, who got just three touchdowns catches from their group in 2012.

And despite what Thompkins and Austin believe, the consensus No.?1 prospect at that position is Tennessee?s Cordarrelle Patterson, whose news conference Friday was as well-attended as a White House daily briefing.

?Speed, catching and scoring,? Patterson said, when asked to name his three best attributes. ?I expect to be a good rookie and hopefully a Pro Bowler.?

Again, humility isn?t often associated with the receiving position, although Baylor?s Terrance Williams was the rare exception. Williams? voice barely rose above a whisper Friday.

He is more of a carry-a-big-stick kind of guy. Williams checked in at 6-2, 208 pounds this week, one of several wideouts apparently not afraid of the weight room.

?They?re big and fast,? Chiefs general manager John Dorsey said. ?It?s amazing. I was at the weigh-ins here, and I was looking at the receivers, just thinking to myself how much bigger these guys really are.

?It shows you how big that position is getting.?

Like the Dolphins, Kansas City ? which owns the No.?1 overall pick ? will likely be in the market for a receiver, particularly if the team loses Dwayne Bowe to free agency.

There?s a chance the Chiefs will put the franchise tag on Bowe for the second consecutive season, but Dorsey wouldn?t address that scenario Friday.

?It?s been an ongoing communication with his representatives,? Dorsey said. ?We?ve had those discussions for the last couple of weeks. We?ll continue to have those conversations as we get to free agency.?

Likewise, Packers GM Ted Thompson wouldn?t say much about Greg Jennings ? another potential Dolphins target ? other than saying Green Bay would like to have Jennings back.

Should the Dolphins fail in their bid to land a top-flight receiver ? it?s believed their top choice is Pittsburgh?s Mike Wallace ? the draft will be imperative. That?s why they?ve brought 55 coaches and scouts to town, and given close attention to the group this week that will continue throughout the spring.

Dolphins coach Joe Philbin had California?s Keenan Allen draw up plays on the board during an interview.

?The connection was there,? Allen said of his meeting with Philbin.

Thompkins, who is training in South Florida, also huddled with the Dolphins and has been asked back for a visit to the team?s training facility. And Stedman Bailey ? who played his high school ball at Miramar before joining Austin at West Virginia ? said he will work out at the team?s local pro day, which will presumably be held in early April.

??Fort Lauderdale St. Thomas Aquinas alum Gio Bernard played just two years at North Carolina ? he tore his ACL during training camp in his freshman year ? but said durability should not be a concern for teams considering drafting him.

?I?m still on the field; I?m still producing,? said Bernard, who rushed for 1,228 yards and 12 touchdowns in 2012.

Bernard has been invited to participate in the Dolphins? local prospect day but is undecided on whether he will do so.

??The Dolphins and Reggie Bush?s agent, Joel Segal, have discussed a contract extension within the last week, a league source said Friday.

Miami Herald sportswriter Armando Salguero contributed to this report.


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Florida Friday: Woman shot by oven while trying to make waffles

By now, we?re all familiar with the ubiquitous ?Florida Man? stories. But for today?s Florida Friday, we bring you news of Florida Man?s lesser-known feminine (sorta) counterpart, Florida Woman. Faster than meth high, dumber than a flying cinder block, she fights sanity in an invisible trailer and lassos decorum with a python she won in a bug-eating contest. Florida Woman this week took the form of 18-year-old Aalaya Walker. Walker was in St. Petersburg visiting her friend JJ, and at some point, they both got hungry, so she decided to warm up the oven to make some waffles. That?s when she found out JJ keeps his bullets in the oven, because one exploded and shot her. So I guess technically, this is all Florida Man?s fault after all.

A few moments after Walker, 18, preheated the oven in the apartment, at 218 24th St. N., there was an explosion. Walker was peppered with shell casing fragments though technically not shot.

I like that they use ?peppered.? Because in Florida, shell-casing fragments are the spice of life.

Her friend, Jarvarski Sandy, 25, told police he had left his Glock 21 .45-caliber handgun in the oven drawer but had put the magazine, with four rounds in it, in the oven itself, the police report says.

The magazine exploded about 9 p.m. ET, spraying casing fragments at high speed and striking Walker. She managed to pick some of the fragments out of her leg and chest and then took a bus to the hospital, where she was treated and released.

?She took a bus to the hospital.?

Sandy ?stated that he does not have a temperature gauge on the oven so he estimates the temperature based on how far the knob is turned,? according to the police report, which was obtained by the Times. ?I observed that the inside of the oven was damaged.?

Hold on, you mean to tell me these two captains of industry had an oven with no temperature gauge?

No charges were filed. Sandy, who works at a Wal-Mart store, has no criminal record and a concealed weapons permit.

Look, I don?t want to make a gun-control argument here, but let?s just point out that the guy who works at Wal-Mart and stores his guns in the oven HAS A CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT.

And after all that, the most shocking part of this story to me is that you can cook waffles in an oven. Seriously though, how the f*ck does that work? Is there a type of waffle iron that you have to heat in the oven first?

?.Wait, wait, no, I just pieced it together. I will bet you a thousand dollars that she was trying to make FROZEN waffles in the oven because Chef Boyardon?t over here doesn?t have a toaster. Aaaand suddenly the world makes sense again. Nice work, team.

It?d make a good Naked Gun bit if she?d tried to warm up the oven, gotten shot, and then put the waffles in the toaster oven, only to discover he?d stashed a Derringer in there. In any case, apt story, because when a Florida woman gets pregnant, it?s commonly said that she ?has a gun in the oven.?

[via TampaBayOnline, MSNBC]


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Confirmed: Fancy Buys To Beef Up Its Artisanal Food Business

fancy-logoWe haven't heard too much from -- a competitor to Pinterest and sites focused on social commerce -- since it raised $26 million in October 2012, but this is changing today. Fancy has made what looks to be its first acquisition: -- a specialist in artisanal foods, which it sells by subscription. The news, which we received via anonymous tip, was reportedly sent out in a customer email from Samplrs today. When you visit the site, it now redirects to


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AZTI-Tecnalia is turning vegetable by-products destined for landfills into feedstuff

AZTI-Tecnalia is turning vegetable by-products destined for landfills into feedstuff [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Feb-2013
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Contact: Irati Kortabitarte
Elhuyar Fundazioa

AZTI-Tecnalia has confirmed the nutritional and health viability of various vegetable by-products to be used as animal feed, by-products which are currently being managed as waste. Fruit, vegetables, potatoes, coffee and bread left overs can be turned into animal feed, once they have left the commercial circuit.

The research is part of the Clean Feed project funded by the European Union's Life+ Programme and co-funded by the Basque Government (Spain). The main objective of the project is to take vegetable wastes from the retailing and food industry sectors, which for commercial reasons are not for human consumption and reuse them for animal feeding. The participants are AZTI-Tecnalia, a marine and food research institute, the Basque Government Directorate of Food Innovation and Industry, the Industrial Systems Unit of Tecnalia Research and Innovation, and Elika Foundation, the Basque Foundation for Agri-food Safety.

A significant percentage of the approximately 25,000 tonnes of vegetable by-products produced in the Basque Autonomous Community is managed as waste. In this framework and in order to add value to these by-products, AZTI-Tecnalia leads the Clean Feed project, which has recently completed its second phase. Once the vegetal by-products that fulfil legal and technical requirements for animal feeding were identified, the experts tried out a range of drying technologies for turning vegetable by-products into meal. According to their estimations 70% of above mentioned 25,000 tonnes could be used as animal feed.

Apart from the environmental benefits, the Clean Feed project will boost the animal feed sector by developing new raw material for fodder. The initiative is also seeking to reduce the huge dependence the animal feed sector has on cereals such as soy and wheat, which have high market fluctuations and are not produced locally (mostly produced in South America).

The vegetable by-products that AZTI-Tecnalia has selected for the project are: fruit, vegetables and potatoes left overs produced by processing and retail sectors; coffee bean husks from roasting plants; bread scraps from the bakery sector; apple pomace and peel from cider production; and skins and stalks from wine production.

Three technologies for meal production

AZTI-Tecnalia researchers have successfully tried out three technologies to dry the above-mentioned by-products and turn them into feed meal. The used technologies were: (i) atomization by pulse combustion dryer; (ii) forced air ovens (in static and rotatory mode); and (iii) microwaves, alone or in combination with hot airflow.

Furthermore, from the health and nutrition analyses carried out on the obtained feed meals, it has been concluded that all of the samples are suitable for incorporation into fodder formulas. The nutritional viability of the feed has been analysed together with the Basque Association of Manufacturers of Compound Feed (EPEA). Meanwhile the health viability has been studied in collaboration with Elika Foundation, the expert body in food safety.


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AZTI-Tecnalia is turning vegetable by-products destined for landfills into feedstuff [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Feb-2013
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Contact: Irati Kortabitarte
Elhuyar Fundazioa

AZTI-Tecnalia has confirmed the nutritional and health viability of various vegetable by-products to be used as animal feed, by-products which are currently being managed as waste. Fruit, vegetables, potatoes, coffee and bread left overs can be turned into animal feed, once they have left the commercial circuit.

The research is part of the Clean Feed project funded by the European Union's Life+ Programme and co-funded by the Basque Government (Spain). The main objective of the project is to take vegetable wastes from the retailing and food industry sectors, which for commercial reasons are not for human consumption and reuse them for animal feeding. The participants are AZTI-Tecnalia, a marine and food research institute, the Basque Government Directorate of Food Innovation and Industry, the Industrial Systems Unit of Tecnalia Research and Innovation, and Elika Foundation, the Basque Foundation for Agri-food Safety.

A significant percentage of the approximately 25,000 tonnes of vegetable by-products produced in the Basque Autonomous Community is managed as waste. In this framework and in order to add value to these by-products, AZTI-Tecnalia leads the Clean Feed project, which has recently completed its second phase. Once the vegetal by-products that fulfil legal and technical requirements for animal feeding were identified, the experts tried out a range of drying technologies for turning vegetable by-products into meal. According to their estimations 70% of above mentioned 25,000 tonnes could be used as animal feed.

Apart from the environmental benefits, the Clean Feed project will boost the animal feed sector by developing new raw material for fodder. The initiative is also seeking to reduce the huge dependence the animal feed sector has on cereals such as soy and wheat, which have high market fluctuations and are not produced locally (mostly produced in South America).

The vegetable by-products that AZTI-Tecnalia has selected for the project are: fruit, vegetables and potatoes left overs produced by processing and retail sectors; coffee bean husks from roasting plants; bread scraps from the bakery sector; apple pomace and peel from cider production; and skins and stalks from wine production.

Three technologies for meal production

AZTI-Tecnalia researchers have successfully tried out three technologies to dry the above-mentioned by-products and turn them into feed meal. The used technologies were: (i) atomization by pulse combustion dryer; (ii) forced air ovens (in static and rotatory mode); and (iii) microwaves, alone or in combination with hot airflow.

Furthermore, from the health and nutrition analyses carried out on the obtained feed meals, it has been concluded that all of the samples are suitable for incorporation into fodder formulas. The nutritional viability of the feed has been analysed together with the Basque Association of Manufacturers of Compound Feed (EPEA). Meanwhile the health viability has been studied in collaboration with Elika Foundation, the expert body in food safety.


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Red Sox sweep Northeastern, Boston College to open spring

Joel Hanrahan last started a regular-season game in 2007, so pitching the top of the first was an unusual experience for Boston's new closer.

About a half-hour before the Red Sox took on Northeastern in the first game of a doubleheader Thursday, Hanrahan wasn't completely sure what to do.

"Should I get going? Should I wait? But I took it kind of as a real game when I was warming up," he said. "I took my normal 18 pitches to get ready for a game, walked in the dugout, grabbed a drink of water and went out. It wasn't bad."

Hanrahan struck out two hitters in the first inning, and the Red Sox beat Northeastern 3-0 in the first exhibition game of spring training. They then routed Boston College 11-1 in the doubleheader's second game.

Hanrahan was brought in to anchor the Boston bullpen this season, but the Red Sox gave him the start for the opener. Both games were seven innings.

Northeastern's Aaron Barbosa led off with a two-strike single, and that was the only hit Hanrahan allowed. The right-hander also hit Jason Vosler with a pitch in his only inning.

"I was happy with how it went," Hanrahan said. "I wasn't planning on hitting that kid ? poor guy. But I threw strikes for the most part so I was happy with that."

Adding to the informal vibe, the Red Sox came out to bat in the bottom of the seventh against Northeastern even though they led 3-0. Boston tacked on two more runs, which weren't included in the box score.

Boston used seven pitchers for an inning each in the opener, and none of them allowed more than one hit. Daniel Bard worked the second, allowing a single to his first batter before striking out the next three.

"I'm satisfied," Bard said. "Not perfect obviously but it's a huge step in the right direction. It's always good to get out the gate with some good results."

Boston beat Northeastern 25-0 last year, but this time the Huskies were more competitive, even though several regulars started the game for the Red Sox. Designated hitter Jarrod Saltalamacchia opened the scoring with an RBI double in the first, and Boston added additional runs in the fifth and sixth.

Hanrahan started 11 games for Washington in his first big league season, but he's been exclusively a reliever ever since. He saved 76 games in the last two seasons for Pittsburgh, which made him an attractive target for a Boston team that lost 93 games in 2012.

Andrew Bailey was expected to be Boston's closer last season, but he missed most of the year with an injury, and now Hanrahan is taking over that role.

Bard is hoping to bounce back after going 5-6 with a 6.22 ERA last year. Manager John Farrell was satisfied with what he saw from both him and Hanrahan.

"As we set out every pitcher to go the mound ? establish fastball, attack the zone with it. Both did," Farrell said. "The objective that we set out today, we've been able to accomplish that."

Andrew Miller, Alex Wilson, Clayton Mortensen, Pedro Beato and Anthony Carter pitched the rest of the first game for the Red Sox.

Jacoby Ellsbury, Dustin Pedroia and Shane Victorino were at the top of the Boston batting order for the first game, but against Boston College, the Red Sox went with lesser-known hitters. Catcher Daniel Butler hit a two-run homer as part of an eight-run third inning, and Shannon Wilkerson added a two-run shot of his own in the fifth.

Koji Uehara started the second game, and Bailey followed him by tossing a scoreless second inning. Non-roster invite Terry Doyle, who went to Boston College, pitched the final two innings for the Red Sox.

Notes: Boston has won all 11 meetings with Northeastern by a combined score of 139-6. The Red Sox are 23-0 against Boston College, by a combined score of 218-41. ... The Red Sox take on the Tampa Bay Rays on Saturday. RHP John Lackey, who was sidelined all last year following elbow-ligament replacement surgery, is expected to pitch in that game.


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ObamaNation: At least $177 Million In Tax Dollars Paid For Federal Workers To Do Union Business

Money brass knuckles

Many taxpayers may not realize that their tax dollars are used to pay government workers to actually conduct union business?not the work of the government.

This practice has the official name of Official Time and is defined by the Office of Personnel Management as:

Official time is time spent by Federal employees performing representational work for a bargaining unit in lieu of their regularly assigned work.

Unlike the private sector, where companies or unions pay union representatives to conduct ?union business,? our system of government unions allows union representatives who happen to be federal employees time away from their normal duties in order to conduct union business?all at taxpayer expense.

Not surprisingly, with union bosses now controlling co-determining the business of Executive Branch agencies, the amount of tax dollars used to pay federal workers to do union work has increased significantly under Barack Obama?s watch.

According to a report prepared by the Office of Personnel Management, the amount of time spent by federal workers to conduct union business has increased nearly 600,000 hours since 2007.

Official Time - FY 2011

The Examiner?s Sean Higgins made note that, in FY 2011 (the last year recorded in the OPM report), federal government workers spent nearly 3.4 million hours performing union activities while on the job.

Since the average federal employee made over $108,000 in both salary and benefits (in 2008), or $52.15 per hour, the costs to taxpayers in FY 2011 was over $177 million for federal government workers to conduct union business. [Again, that figure is using the 2008 average compensation cost (wages and benefits) for federal government workers.]

?In many cases, ?official time? is no more than taxpayer-funded no-show jobs.? stated the National Right to Work Committee?s on its website.

The NRTWC also notes that Obama?s union-controlled National Labor Relations Board spent more than three-quarters of a million in taxpayer money to pay for ?official time?:

In the OPM Report, you can see how much federal agencies are paying for union officials to work for unions. For example, the supposedly impartial National Labor Relations Board spent $768,465.14 for union officials to work for their union not for the NLRB. [Emphasis added]

Unfortunately, now that Obama has won re-election, without the accountability of a second election looming, the well is open to all those who wish to drink from the slush fund that is the taxpayers? pockets.


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Sony seeks head start over Microsoft with new PlayStation

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Sony Corp said it will launch its next-generation PlayStation this year, hoping its first video game console in seven years will give it a much-needed head start over the next version of Microsoft's Xbox and help revive its stumbling electronics business.

The new console will have a revamped interface, let users stream and play video games hosted on servers, and allow users to play while downloading titles as well as share videos with friends. Its new controller, dubbed DualShock 4, will have a touchpad and a camera that can sense the depth of the environment in front of it.

Sony, which only displayed the controller but not the console, said on Wednesday the PlayStation 4 would be available for the year-end holiday season and flagged games from the likes of Ubisoft Entertainment SA and Activision Blizzard Inc, whose top executives also attended the glitzy launch event.

It did not disclose pricing or an exact launch date.

Sony's announcement comes amid industry speculation that Microsoft Corp is set to unveil the successor to its Xbox 360 later this summer. The current Xbox 360 beats the seven-year-old PlayStation 3's online network with features such as voice commands on interactive gaming and better connectivity to smartphones and tablets.

But all video game console makers are grappling with the onslaught of mobile devices into their turf.

Tablets and smartphones built by rivals such as Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics Co Ltd already account for around 10 percent of the $80 billion gaming market. Those mobile devices, analysts predict, will within a few years be as powerful as the current slew of game-only consoles.

"It looks good and had a lot of great games but the industry is different now," Billy Pidgeon, an analyst at Inside Network Research, said of the new PlayStation.

"It'll be a slow burn and not heavy uptake right away."


Console makers will also have to tackle flagging video game hardware and software sales, which research firm NPD group says have dropped consistently every month over the last year as users migrate to free game content on mobile devices.

PlayStation 4 will have an app on Android and Apple mobile devices that connects to console games and can act as a second screen, Jack Tretton, President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, said in an interview.

"Playstation 4 ... really connects every device in the office and the smartphone and the tablet out there in the world," Tretton said.

The console, which has been in development for the last five years, will have 8 GB of memory and will instantly stream game content from the console to Sony's handheld PlayStation Vita through a feature called "Remote Play," the company said.

"What Sony is banking on is the ease of the use of this system," Greg Miller, PlayStation executive editor at video game site, said.

After six years, Sony PlayStation sales are just shy of Xbox's 67 million installed base and well behind the 100 million Wii consoles sold by Nintendo Co Ltd, according to analysts.

Tretton said it would be a big undertaking to manufacture and distribute the console in Sony's four major markets by the end of the year, adding that it would be a "phased rollout" that starts before the end of the year.

Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia predicted Sony would probably get a couple of million units of the PlayStation 4 out by the 2013 holiday season and 7 million or 8 million out a year later.

Sony also announced a strategic partnership with video game publisher Activision Blizzard to take its Diablo III game to the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 consoles.

Activision's upcoming sci-fi shooter game "Destiny" in development by its Bungie Studio will also be available on PlayStation consoles.

(Editing by Gary Hill, Bernard Orr and Edwina Gibbs)


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Office Depot agrees to buy OfficeMax in stock deal

In this combination of Associated Press file photos, an Office Depot is pictured in Miami, left, Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2007, and an OfficeMax store is shown in Philadelphia Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2006, right. Office Depot and OfficeMax announced Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013, that they are being collated. The retailers said Wednesday they have agreed to combine in an all-stock deal worth about $1.2 billion that would transform the office-supply retail sector, helping the No. 2 and No. 3 chains compete against industry behemoth Staples. (AP Photo/File)

In this combination of Associated Press file photos, an Office Depot is pictured in Miami, left, Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2007, and an OfficeMax store is shown in Philadelphia Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2006, right. Office Depot and OfficeMax announced Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013, that they are being collated. The retailers said Wednesday they have agreed to combine in an all-stock deal worth about $1.2 billion that would transform the office-supply retail sector, helping the No. 2 and No. 3 chains compete against industry behemoth Staples. (AP Photo/File)

(AP) ? Office Depot and OfficeMax are being collated.

The retailers said Wednesday they have agreed to combine in an all-stock deal worth about $1.2 billion that would transform the office-supply retail sector by helping the No. 2 and No. 3 chains compete against industry behemoth Staples.

The merger marks the first move toward consolidation in an industry that is bloated with stores. It reflects the changing retail landscape as "big box" stores have become outmoded and more people shop online.

"This combination will create a stronger, more global, efficient competitor able to meet the growing challenges of our rapidly changing industry," said OfficeMax CEO Ravi Saligram in a call with analysts.

Still, doubts remain whether the combination, which has been mulled over in the industry for years, is enough to offset growing competition and a changing retail landscape.

Liang Feng, a Morningstar analyst, said the companies will have a lot of obstacles to overcome to succeed.

"The industry will face longer term structural headwinds with competitors like Amazon, Costco gaining ground and the decline in demand for secular office products like paper, pens and ink," he said.

Office Depot Inc. and OfficeMax, along with bigger rival Staples Inc., were all founded in the 1980s and helped pioneer the big-box boom in the 1990s. They expanded rapidly in the U.S. throughout the decade.

But the rise in competition from web retailers like and discounters like Costco and Wal-Mart has been tough on the sector, leading to decreased sales. In addition, office suppliers were slow to bounce back from the recession, as consumers and small businesses alike cut back on ordering office products.

Over the years, the companies have closed stores, slashed costs and streamlined operations to offset stagnant sales. But the industry was still seen as too bulky.

For years, rumors about possible consolidation have swirled around the sector, which is worth about $21.2 billion, according to research firm IBISWorld Inc. Of that, Staples holds a 35 percent market share, Office Depot has 26.1 and OfficeMax has 15.6.

The Wall Street Journal first reported the possibility of a deal between Office Depot and OfficeMax on President's Day on Monday, when markets were closed. That sent stock across the sector soaring on Tuesday when markets reopened.

Office Depot reported the terms of the deal in a release on its website early Wednesday morning. But then the company removed it, which caused some confusion.

In a call with investors, Office Depot CEO Neil Austrian said the error was due to the company's webcast provider inadvertently releasing the company's earnings release "well in advance of schedule," which included information about the deal. Thomson Reuters Corporate Services, which provides investor relations website services to Office Depot, took the blame for the slip and said it is taking steps to ensure it will not happen again.

Morningstar's Feng said he doesn't expect the premature release to damage the companies.

"I don't think it will cause that much of headache for the companies unless the deal doesn't go through," he said.

In the deal, Office Depot, based in Boca Raton, Fla., and Naperville, Ill.-based OfficeMax said holders of OfficeMax shares will receive 2.69 shares of Office Depot for every OfficeMax share they own.

That's equal to about $13.50 per share, based on Office Depot's $5.02 per share closing price Tuesday, giving the deal a total value of about $1.2 billion. OfficeMax had about 86.7 million shares outstanding as of Oct. 26, according to SEC filings. It is a 3.8 percent premium to OfficeMax's closing price of $13 on Tuesday and a 26 percent premium to OfficeMax's closing price on Friday, before word of negotiations leaked out.

Even though Office Depot could hold 54 percent of shares while OfficeMax holds 46 in a preliminary tally, the companies said characterizing the deal as Office Depot buying OfficeMax was wrong. Office Depot's Austrian said the deal is a "merger of equals."

The combined company's name, CEO and corporate headquarters are yet to be determined; both companies' CEOs are being considered for the top role. Both companies would have equal representation on the combined entity's board.

OfficeMax said the move is expected to result in $400 million to $600 million annually in cost savings by the third year of the deal. The combined company expects $350 million to $450 million in one-time costs related to the integration.

The deal, which is expected to be complete by the end of the calendar year, still has to go through shareholder and regulatory approvals, and office supply mergers have been questioned by regulators in the past.

In 1997, Staples attempted to buy Office Depot. But the deal was nixed by the Federal Trade Commission due to concerns that the combined company would have too much of a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

But OfficeMax CEO Ravi Saligram said the industry has changed so much since 1997 that the companies have a strong case for approval. Amazon was "embryonic" in 1997 and stores like Wal-Mart, Costco and Best Buy were not as big competitors as they are now, he said.

"It's a totally different landscape," he said.

Consolidation will likely be good for both companies. Office Depot and OfficeMax have been hurt by restructuring costs and continued weak sales.

Office Depot, which has 1,675 stores worldwide, reported a loss of $17.5 million, or 6 cents per share for the three months ended Dec. 29. Excluding one-time items, the company broke even per share. Revenue continued to be weak, falling nearly 12 percent to $2.62 billion.

OfficeMax, which has 900 stores in the U.S., reported a loss of $33.9 million, or 39 cents per share, as it spent money on a restructuring. Adjusted for one-time costs, however, net income was 16 cents per share. Revenue fell 7 percent to $1.7 billion from $1.84 billion.

Office Depot shares fell 60 cents, or 12 percent, to $4.42 in trading, while OfficeMax shares fell 24 cents to $12.76. Staples shares fell 58 cents, or 4 percent, to $14.07.

Associated Press


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Yahoo! revamps website with eye on Facebook, Twitter

(Reuters) - Yahoo Inc is rolling out a revamped look for its website aimed at making the Web portal more modern and attractive to users.

"We wanted it to be familiar but also wanted it to embrace some of the modern paradigms of the Web," Chief Executive Marissa Mayer said on NBC's "Today" show on Wednesday.

"One thing that I really like is this very personalized newsfeed, it's infinite and you can go on scrolling forever," she said.

In a blog post, Mayer said the company will begin introducing the changes over the next few days, with more changes and improvements expected in the coming months. The endless newsfeed containing stories, pictures or video is similar to feeds on Facebook Inc as well as Twitter.

Mayer also said in her blog that the website would feature newly designed applications, allow users to log in with their Yahoo or Facebook IDs and would work well on smartphones and tablets.

Yahoo is one of the world's most-visited online properties, but revenue has declined in recent years amid competition from Google and Facebook.

Yahoo has also been beset by internal turmoil that has resulted in a revolving door of CEOs.

Mayer, 37, took over after a tumultuous period at Yahoo in which former CEO Scott Thompson resigned after less than six months on the job over a controversy about his academic credentials, and during which Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang resigned from the board and cut his ties with the company.

Yahoo's 2012 revenue was $5 billion. It has been flat year over year, off from some $6.3 billion in 2010.

(Reporting By Nicola Leske; Editing by Maureen Bavdek)


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North Korea propaganda video shows Obama, troops in flames

This transcript is automatically generated

We help our.

Sun is killing your propaganda video believed to have been posted by North Korea showing.

American troops and President Obama in flames.

Now this just days after North Korea conducted what it claims a successful nuclear test here -- parts of the new video watch -- here.

Amateur no question.

But not to be taken lightly KT McFarland -- Fox News national security analyst former deputy assistant secretary of defense during the Reagan.

Years and good morning it's my -- part of what it was set on that video is that the United States increasingly unfair bully activities.

Against North Korea a solemn warning that time is no longer on the side of the United States America should answer.

-- do you read that.

Father but they're trying to develop nuclear weapons analyst for any excuse they -- so they don't blame the United States.

But I think the scary part -- number -- -- you've got the right word amateurish we should be laughing at this right this is so amateurish and juvenile.

Young Korean leader making silly videos last week he had a music video about -- Manhattan.

The compliments.

He's -- nuclear weapon he's closer we get those closer and closer to do.

If you're not just having it but I'm mobile -- -- CIA say perhaps he has for nuclear bombs at the moment yeah we've got enough enriched uranium to probably make for a nuclear weapons what do you need for new.

You need enriched uranium -- the fuel.

You need a missile to deliberate briefed they've tested that was -- -- attest to that.

The third thing you need is a blueprint.

Which pulls it all together and that's what they're testing now.

And they dip last week so the worry is when they get nuclear weapons what then happens.

Don't think -- I wake up in the San Francisco they don't want to pick a fight with us.

A dirty fight -- what -- Seoul South Korea but south South Korea Japan will those countries decide they need to arm reed army even go nuclear.

Will North Korea sell.

Their weapons to Iran they certainly have in the past where North Korea tests a weapon is called the type the Don they sell -- to the Iranians Iranians -- -- -- call it.

Such a -- missile and then they've got the missile.

We know that the Iranians are probably of engineers in North Korea helping with the North Korean nuclear underground tests that they had last week.

So you don't just look at North Korea getting nuclear does Iran get nuclear.

Well -- let's put a fine point on this in the last two months they've tested a nuclear weapon right underground thought to be an earthquake at first later -- verified it was a nuclear test.

They also tested a multi stage rocket.

Yeah they're trying to put one on top of the other.

And join forces.

And perhaps either use that as they have weapon of propaganda.

Or -- perhaps even more nefarious than that.

Think of North -- you're absolutely right they are give you can't dismiss.

The -- incredible statements they make because they will have their hands on nuclear weapons within a short period of time.

But the big question is what are they gonna do with -- and why are they doing that.

You've said before North Korea has nothing in the world wants they don't make import they don't export anything beyond commits -- weapons.

-- the only thing they have in their starving you know I think they have to sell its weapons -- Selma.

The other thing to have -- cell is the United States because all they do is -- United States into a picture.

Can't blame the US I mean where are they as a country or where are they with propaganda without having the United States to blame and you wonder what we are doing.

To -- this or is it our duty responsibility leadership perhaps -- be Beijing.

You know what is China doing.

Well that's right and we have outsourced fat tip to China we have said look China provides 75% of North Korea's food.

Fuel oil heating fuel what the Chinese still with -- and the Chinese have not.

They may need to make a statement or to -- no North Korea shouldn't do this but -- not stopped North Korean fact we've just seen this week China's feeling so.

Emboldened that attacking and every computer in North America.

There is a statement also as the saying this from North -- as the saying goes a newborn -- knows no fear of -- tiger.

I read two things in the back -- it it's either a new leader Kim Jung on.

Or perhaps it's.

-- it's more of a statement almost as.

May be a apple -- language is say that we are the newborn poppy.

Has -- nuclear power.

That the world now has to address your -- Go either way could be the newborn puppy is the new young leader of North Korea doesn't know any fears doesn't know any bounds it could be we North Korea -- the tiger we've got the nukes.

You guys should -- us.

The problem is that this is all really heating up to -- -- in the past this is an area of the world that the Chinese have been really content to have little low boil.

They don't want it to boil over -- now threatened to board so what does China do.

That's the big question you know Beijing hasn't made a move that we know they have not made a move and that I think -- what they fear.

As much as anything is that a North Korea -- pushed too far North Korea.

If they use their leverage North Korea collapses then there are millions of North Korean refugees running across the Yellow River.

And to China causing China problems at a time when its economy is starting to slow down.

I'll tell you mentioned the issue -- out of this past week and also you know what to -- North Korea.

-- discussed -- thank you to see real soon are right.


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