Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Barack Obama chides Republican rivals for pounding drums of war with Iran

WASHINGTON - U.S. President Barack Obama made clear Tuesday he has no intention of rushing into conflict with Iran, chastising his foes in the Republican party for beating the drums of war in a country already paying high human and economic costs for its current military missions.

"Those folks don't have a lot of responsibilities," Obama told a rare news conference at the White House, his first since October.

"They are not commander-in-chief. And when I see the casualness with which some of these folks talk about war, I'm reminded of the costs involved in war .... in terms of sending our young men and women into battle, and the impact that has on their lives, the impact it has on our national security, the impact it has on our economy."

Obama's remarks came two days after he addressed a pro-Israel lobby group and delivered a dire message to Iranians, warning them that the U.S. would use force if necessary to prevent Iran obtaining nuclear weapons.

"I will take no options off the table, and I mean what I say," Obama told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee said on the eve of a White House meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Obama denied on Tuesday he was softening that stance, assuring reporters he stands behind Israel but has no interest in engaging in pro-war bluster to score political points.

"This is not a game, and there is nothing casual about it," he said.

He added that if his Republican foes would like to embroil the nation in yet another war, they should let Americans know.

"One thing that we have not done is we haven't launched a war," he said.

"If some of these folks think that it's time to launch a war they should say so, and they should explain to the American people exactly why they would do that and what the consequences would be. Everything else is just talk."

Both Republican presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum assailed Obama's policies on Israel and Iran earlier in the day during their own addresses to AIPAC. Republicans have been attempting to woo Jewish voters, who voted overwhelmingly for Obama in 2008, by painting the president as weak on Iran.

In an opinion piece in the Washington Post on Tuesday, Romney also accused Obama of "fretting" about what to do while Iran beavers away at developing a nuclear program. He also called Obama the most "feckless" president since Jimmy Carter, a popular whipping boy for Republicans.

"Good luck tonight," Obama said to guffaws when asked what he thought of Romney's remarks. "Really. No, really."

Ten states were holding nominating contests on so-called Super Tuesday in the biggest single day in the Republican presidential race. More than 400 delegates are up for grabs and polls suggested Romney was poised to take most of them.

Obama took questions in the crowded James S. Brady briefing room for 45 minutes, primarily on Iran, Israel and Syria. He described the bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Syria as "heartbreaking" but said unilateral action against the country would be a mistake.

Apart from foreign policy questions, Obama also weighed in on the controversy dogging Rush Limbaugh this week.

The conservative radio star is still losing advertisers after calling a third-year Georgetown University law student a "slut" and a "prostitute" for her congressional testimony in support of Obama's contraception policies.

"All decent folks can agree that the remarks that were made don't have any place in the public discourse," Obama said before making reference to his own two daughters.

"I thought about Malia and Sasha, and one of the things that I want them to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about, even ones that I may not agree with them on," he said. "I want them to be able to speak their minds in a civil an thoughtful way and I don't want them attacked or called horrible names because they're being good citizens."

He made a phone call to Sandra Fluke, he added, to show his support. Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich, also vying for the Republican presidential nomination, ridiculed him for the call last week.

"I wanted Sandra to know that I thought her parents should be proud of her," Obama said.

He wouldn't weigh in on suggestions that the Republican party has declared war on women with its recent fight against his administration's contraception policies because of claims they violate religious liberties.

But he added the Democratic party has more to offer women.

"Women are going to make up their own mind in this election about who is advancing the issues that they care most deeply about," he said, adding women are not "single-issue" voters.

"But I believe that Democrats have a better story to tell to women about how we're going to solidify the middle class and grow this economy."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/barack-obama-chides-republican-rivals-pounding-drums-war-201330627.html

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Carnival of Personal Finance #351: Women's Personal Finance ...

Welcome to the Carnival of Personal Finance #351-Women?s Personal Finance edition!?? The first order of business is a shout out to the Women?s Money Week participants.? What is Women?s Money Week?

Women?s Money Week is about encouraging women to speak up about money, take control of our finances, and reshape our financial future. Women?s Money Week will run from March 5th-11th, 2012 on WomensMoneyWeek.com ? coinciding with International Women?s Day.

Our goal is to reach a wide audience and provide answers and assistance to women just starting to take control of their finances, share knowledge and the know-how of women who already have a voice, and create a dialogue among women bloggers.

Shameless Plug:? Here?s my participating post on: Earn More Money By Negotiating Your Salary Upfront

Nicole from Nicole and Maggie: Grumpy Rumblings of the Untenured ? Thoughts on spouses and careers

Glen Craig from Free From Broke ? Marginal Tax Rate VS Effective Tax Rate ? What are They and How do They Affect You?,

PK from Don?t Quit Your Day Job?- President Obama Is a Bigger Tax Cutter Than George Bush

Philip from PT Money Personal Finance ? Should I Consolidate My Student Loans?

Brandon Crombar from Shared Financial Success ? Hot to be rich

Bob from Christian Personal Finance ? How to use FreeCycle to Save Money And Reduce Clutter

eemusings from Musings of an Abstract Aucklander ? Tom and Lynette, you?re breaking my heart

Peter from Bible Money Matters ? Would You Invest a Portion of Your Emergency Fund

Boomer from Boomer & Echo ? Finances From A To Z

FMF from Free Money Finance ? Change the way you think

Grand Per Month from Grand Per Month ? Should You Incorporate Your Side Income Stream

Kacie from Sense to Save ? How to choose retirement investments for your portfolio

Amanda from My Dollar Plan ? New Pension Plans and Changes to Current Retirement Plans

Miranda @ Financial Highway from Financial Highway ? How to Improve Credit Score

Weakonomics ? The Math Behind Oil?s Hold On The Economy


Other Submissions:

Money Beagle from Money Beagle presents Don?t Assume Things Stay The Same, and says, ?There are many areas, finance in particular, where something may have been your best option at one point, but may no longer be. Keep tabs on things to ensure that the status quo is still working to your advantage. ?

Jason from One Money Design presents How to Talk to Your Elderly Parents About their Finances, and says, ?Talking to our elderly parents or grandparents about money is not necessarily easy. It is admitting to ourselves that they are not doing as well and may need some assistance down the road.

Sian Meades from TotallyMoney presents When should you switch banks, and says, ?When you should and shouldn?t switch banks?

Janet from Credit, Eh presents 9 Great Money Management Web Sites and Quizzes, and says, ?If you?re going to learn about money, you might as well make it fun. Here are 4 great money web sites, and 5 fun quizzes that can help you learn about money management.?

Matt Schulz from Taking Charge presents What Dr. Seuss can teach you about handling your money, and says, ?Penned in honor of Dr. Seuss?s birthday. He would have been 108 Friday.?

Steve from Brip Blap presents How to Take a Money Diet, and says, ? saving money is, at its core, like dieting. You try to deny yourself something in the present for the sake of future gain. With money, it?s saving now for security and independence in the future. So I thought about it and here are a few types of diets and the equivalent money-saving behavior.?

Michelle from Card Hub presents The Best Credit Cards for Every Stage of Life, and says, ?The majority of us use or have used credit cards at some point in our lives. But, have we been using the right cards at the right stages of our lives to best manange our finances? Find out what the best cards for the different stages of life are!?

John from Passive Family Income presents The Mobile Wallet May Bring Discount Enticements, and says, ?Mobile wallets, in case you have not heard of them, offer consumers the ability to pay for their purchases not with cash or their credit cards, but with their phones. Many consumers are embracing this new method of payment because they already carry their phones everywhere; being able to pay by phone will allow them to leave their cash and cards at home. ?

John from Passive Family Income presents The Mobile Wallet May Bring Discount Enticements, and says, ?Mobile wallets, in case you have not heard of them, offer consumers the ability to pay for their purchases not with cash or their credit cards, but with their phones. Many consumers are embracing this new method of payment because they already carry their phones everywhere; being able to pay by phone will allow them to leave their cash and cards at home. ?

Evan from My Journey to Millions presents Why You Should Buy Life Insurance Regardless If You Have a Spouse and Kids, and says, ?Everyone assumes that when you are able to start that family, when someone depends on your income, when you get that mortgage, etc., you?ll just go out and buy some life insurance. This isn?t always possible.?

Jake Mathew from I Am 1 Percent presents My 7 Biggest Financial Mistakes: Confessions of a 1 Percenter, and says, ?These are the 7 biggest financial mistakes that I have made in my life that has cost me a total of $100k. I submit this article in the hopes that people can learn from my past mistakes and not repeat them.?

James Petzke from James Petzke: Graduating with a Surplus presents Libraries: The Dying Money Saver, and says, ?Libraries may be dying in the minds of many youth, but they are a great free resource of information and entertainment that you should still take advantage of. ?

Kennedi from Face and Fitness presents Make the Most of Your Old Phone, and says, ?Can you sell your old cell phone, or should you throw it away? This post points to the answer.?

Sustainable PF from Sustainable Personal Finance presents The Beauty in Saving Your Skin and the Water Supply, and says, ?I was truly committed to greening my skin care regimen without spending too much money! So I?ve been testing several products and have finally found some that really work for me?

FIRE Finance from FIRE Finance presents Smart Refrigeration Lowers Electricity Bill, and says, ?Tips on smart refrigeration will help you to cut down your electricity bill ??

Miss T. from Prairie Eco Thrifter presents Saving Money on Las Vegas, and says, ?In just a couple weeks, I?m off to the bright lights of Las Vegas again. I?m quite looking forward to stuffing my face full of delicious food and even doing some gambling. Because I?m kind of cheap, I want to have fun but not break the bank doing so. Luckily, Las Vegas is filled with all sorts of ways to save cash.?

Colin Williams from humble savers presents Financial Lessons From The 1940s And 1950s, and says, ?A snapshot of times gone by and how we can learn from them to better manage our money for today?s difficult economic conditions.?

David from Start Talking Cents presents Stop Buying Paper Towels ? Save Money, Save the Earth, and says, ?One of the easiest, quickest, and most eco-friendly ways to save money is to stop buying paper towels. Single-use paper towels are a waste of paper and money, and there is absolutely no reason at all to buy them anymore.?

Vicki from Tayne Your Debt presents ?Deal of the Day? sites ? Friend or Foe?, and says, ?All blog posts are written by financial expert, debt resolution and bankruptcy avoidance attorney, Leslie H. Tayne. Blog is meant to be a portal for people to get free debt, budgeting, and finance advice from an expert! ?

Green Panda from Green Panda Treehouse presents How Much Do You Need To Retire?, and says, ?How much should you save for retirement??

Dividend Growth Investor from Dividend Growth Investor presents Accumulating Dividend Stocks is a Long Term Process, and says, ?It is important to have some valuation guidelines, before purchasing a dividend stock. This is to protect the investor in the very likely event that they ?fall in love? with a stock and purchase it regardless of price. After all, purchasing a stock at inflated price levels might lead to sub-par returns for several years.?

Alejandro Garcia from Value Investing HQ presents How to Calculate Enterprise Value, and says, ?As magic formula investors know, the meat of the magic formula is located in the Appendix section of The Little Book That Beats the Market. It is in the appendix section that Joel Greenblatt not only adjusts the magic formula, but also goes into detail about the numbers and ratios of the magic formula and how to implement it. One of the terms that comes up is Enterprise Value, which is needed to calculate a company?s earnings yield.?

Div Guy from The Dividend Guy Blog presents Performing Stocks, When It?s Time To Move On, and says, ?Moving on from stocks.?

Mike from The Financial Blogger presents Does it Make Sense to Work Past 65?, and says, ?Saving for retirement and working past 65.?

J.P. from Novel Investor presents An Under-Invested America: Is Conservative The New Norm?, and says, ?Nobody has gotten rich earning less than 1% on their money. Yet eight times more money has been put into savings accounts than into stock and bond funds, since the market crash of ?08.?

SB from One Cent at a Time presents Where should I invest my money now, and says, ?So you have some money to invest now? I was also in your situation and documented how I went about investing $10000 for short term.?

D4L from Dividend Growth Stocks presents 8 Dividend Stocks To Consider While Waiting on Apple to Pay Its First Dividend, and says, ?It seems that many people are infatuated with the idea of Apple, Inc. (AAPL) paying a dividend. With more that $30 billion of cash and short-term investments sitting on the balance sheet, no long-term debt and generating $37 billion of free cash flow over the last 12 months, the company certainty could afford it. As an investor in Dividend Growth Stocks, should I really care if AAPL pays a dividend, or not??
Mr. Money from Smart on Money presents Betterment Reviews User Feedback and Lowers Fees, Adds International Funds and IRA, and says, ?Betterment announced that they would be lowering their fees across the board. While I was using the site before, with the new lower fees I can wholeheartedly recommend investing with Betterment for just about everyone ? even more so than in the past.?

Karl from CultOfMoney presents Secrets of Fantasy Baseball that can help your finances, and says, ?The secrets to a great fantasy baseball draft can help you draft a winning financial team. Balance power and speed, and make sure you don?t put too much money into a single position. Additionally, your financial team will hit injuries during the season so you?ll need to adapt on the fly.?

Jeffrey from Saving Advice presents 20 Changes I Made to Lose 100 Pounds and Save Money, and says, ?It?s funny how it?s the little things that seem to make clear what you have known all along, but refused to acknowledge. On March 20, 2011 I bent down to tie a shoe lace that had come loose ? and couldn?t. I literally stood there stunned. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn?t bend over to tie my shoe. It was at that moment that I realized that I had to do something about my growing weight problem.?

Eric from Narrow Bridge Finance presents Why I Don?t Balance My Checkbook, and says, ?We have been told that we need to balance our checkbooks for decades. This common advice is given with the best intentions. We are told that by tracking our transactions, we are protecting ourselves from overdrafts and ensuring nothing unauthorized happens in our accounts. That is true, but there are better ways to do all of that.?

Dan Meyers from Your Life, Their Life presents Detailed Monthly Food Budget, and says, ?Where does your food budget go each month? Check out these great statistics on the average American family?s food budget, thanks to the US Census Bureau.?

Martin from Studenomics presents How to Find a Freelance Writing Gig, and says, ?We help you get a freelance writing gig.?

Scott from Mortgage 1A presents FHA Loan Requirements and Underwriting Guidelines 2012, and says, ?FHA does not fund loans; they insure residential mortgages for FHA approved lenders in case a borrower defaults. This allows borrowers to qualify with lower interest rates and be subject to less strict underwriting guidelines.?

Bret from Hope to Prosper presents Problems Caused by Sudden Wealth, and says, ?Evidently, the only thing worse than being broke is to suddenly become wealthy.?

jefferson from See Debt Run presents One at a Time, Zen Master, and says, ?Trying too many life improvements at the same time can cause problems. If you are trying to improve your financial situation, you shouldn?t try other dramatic life changes simultaneously.?

Greg Linden from Debt Broke presents Credit Killer: Too many accounts with balances, and says, ??

Everything Finance from Everything Finance presents When Your Credit Score Really Isn?t Your Credit Score, and says, ?Robert and Carrie were on the verge of fulfilling a ten year goal of buying their first home. Prior to meeting with a lender, they did their homework, gathered their documents, and ordered their credit reports. They were confused when the scores from each of the three credit bureaus differed so much. Yet all were over 700 with 720 being the highest, so they were confident they would be able to obtain the most favorable loan terms. Imagine their shock then, when the lender told them that their score was only 680 and would not qualify them for the lowest available rate.?

Mike from Rewards Cards Canada presents Annual Fee Credit Cards: When They Make Sense, and says, ?Annual fee credit cards can make sense in some circumstances, whether you?re struggling to get out of debt or you?re trying to earn more rewards.?

Mike from Rewards Cards USA presents Create A Plan To Earn More Rewards Points, and says, ?If you want more rewards points, you need to turn into a credit card super user. And if you want to avoid debt while becoming a credit card super user, you need to have a plan for your credit card spending.?

Flexo from Consumerism Commentary presents How to Invest in a Broadway Show, and says, ?You can invest in a Broadway show with as little as $5,000? but it?s not without risk.?

Mike from The Financial Blogger presents You Waste What Is The Most Precious, and says, ?Are you guilty of wasting time??

TTMK from Tie the Money Knot presents Analyzing How Much Money a Person Makes, and says, ?Whether everyone wants to admit it or not, a prospective spouse?s financial situation can be a factor in making decisions on compatibility for some people. However, is it possible to get way ahead of things and overanalyze someone?s finances? ?

Squirrelers from Squirrelers presents Want to Live Longer? Become Wealthier!, and says, ?Does having more money help one living longer? Some might think no, but there?s evidence that it might. This post discusses th notion that money and longevity can be correlated.?

Suba from Wealth Informatics presents So you think you are smart? You might have invisible anchors making you dumb!, and says, ?Anchoring in ?sales? is pretty well know. But what are some other areas where we don?t think about the anchoring bias but fall for it anyway??

Mike from Rewards Cards USA presents Create A Plan To Earn More Rewards Points, and says, ?If you want more rewards points, you need to turn into a credit card super user. And if you want to avoid debt while becoming a credit card super user, you need to have a plan for your credit card spending.?

Sandy from Yes, I am Cheap presents Is Stealing Food For Your Family Okay?, and says, ?Is it ever okay to steal? Is stealing food any different from stealing money out of the cash register? ?

Odysseas from Wallet Blog presents No Balance Transfer Fee Credit Cards Are Back, But Are They Here to Stay?, and says, ?No balance transfer fee credit cards-no longer a thing of the past. But can issuers make enough profit to continue to offer them in the future? As the Magic 8 Ball may say ?Don?t Count on It!? Consumers may only have a limited window to take advantage of some new offers out there.?

Shaun from Money Cactus presents How to Use Twitter to Improve Your Finances, and says, ?In this post I?m going to show you how to use twitter to get more information, better service and even discounts that will help to improve your personal finances.?

Young from Young and Thrfty presents What to do After Graduation from College or University, and says, ?If you were lucky (or smart enough) to choose a career path that was in demand while you were going through post-secondary education, then congratulations, you?re transition into the working world will be made a whole lot easier. For those of us who chose to become ?well-rounded? students and take courses of study that had a less-defined labour market the journey can be a little more interesting.?

Revanche from A Gai Shan Life presents The castle on the hill

Roshawn Watson from Watson Inc presents 10 Reasons To Seek Abundance, and says, ?Sometimes it seems like the only reason people seek abundance is to lavish themselves with every luxury imaginable. Overall, I find that to be a very narrow and limiting perspective of abundance. Here are 10 reasons to seek abundance. ?

Source: http://www.girlsjustwannahavefunds.com/carnival-of-personal-finance-womens-money-week

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Fashion Outpost Nasty Gal Raises $9M From Index Ventures, With $28M In Revenue

ng_origial_leveledcopyLA-based online fashion outlet Nasty Gal has raised $9 million from Index Ventures, after being sought after by almost every VC in the Valley and beyond. Why was the startup so popular you ask? Well not many small businesses made $28 million in revenue in 2011, for one. From Etsy store to a 100 person-strong company, Nasty Gal began humbly in San Francisco as a way for super stylish founder Sophia Amoruso?to showcase her eclectic vintage finds and fashion-forward contemporary picks. The unorthodox name comes from the eponymous Betty Davis (not Bette) song and is meant to embody the kind of woman who shops at the store: "unapologetically sexy" and "badass."

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/4ae8tY6ASFY/

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Docracy Provides Free Legal Documents for Many Common ...

Docracy Provides Free Legal Documents for Many Common SituationsDocracy is a free web service that not only provides legal documents for anything from a non-disclosure agreement to an apartment lease (and more), but it also lets you sign the documents as well.

It?s expensive to hire a lawyer when you need a legal document drafted, but you don?t want to craft an agreement that won?t hold up. While an actual lawyer will almost always be a better option than modifying an existing legal document from a database, if you?re on a budget or just need something standard you can probably find it at Docracy and save yourself some cash. They have lease agreements, incorporation documents for startups, living will forms, and much more. You may not need a legal document right now, but it?s a good site to bookmark for the future when you do. If you have samples of your own, you can provide them to Docracy to share with the community and help the database grow.

Docracy | via Swissmiss



Written by Philip R. Powis | Simplypsquared.com

I'm a 30 year old guy living in Somerville, MA. I work for Intuit QuickBase supporting customer success with the product. I'm a technology junkie with an insatiable appetite for learning about the latest trends and products in the market. I've given up (for now) posting new original content, and am instead aggregating links to articles that I come across in my day to day reading. I hope you enjoy these finds!

Docracy Provides Free Legal Documents for Many Common Situations

Docracy Provides Free Legal Documents for Man?

Posted 4 hours ago

Docracy is a free web service that not only provides legal documents for anything from a non-disclosure agreement to an apartment lease (and more), but it also lets you sign?

Spotify, we need a break. I?m falling for Songza

Spotify, we need a break. I?m falling for Son?

Posted 17 hours ago

I?m a huge fan of Spotify. It somehow seems so long ago that the service swooped in and replaced my iTunes altogether with cheap streaming of almost every artist I?

Are Google Glasses the Beginning of the End of Gadgets?

Are Google Glasses the Beginning of the End of Gadgets?

Posted 2 days ago

In late February, the New York Times reported that Google will release its Android-powered, heads up display Google Glasses before the end of 2012. Different stories exist around the functionality?

How Roku is kicking the cable industry?s butt & where it?s going next

How Roku is kicking the cable industry?s butt & where it?s g?

Posted 2 days ago

Anthony Wood (pictured) is Roku?s CEO, and at his house (he?s married with three kids), each person gets seven hours of TV each week ? all sans cable, natch.
The family?

The Real Answer to All Our Error Code Problems

The Real Answer to All Our Error Code Problem?

Posted 4 days ago

You're working late into the night, a deadline is approaching. Out of nowhere, your trusty computer collapses in a fit of exhaustion or pique, shouting error message numbers at you?


Source: http://www.simplypsquared.com/2012/03/06/docracy-provides-free-legal-documents-for-many-common-situations/

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Monday, March 5, 2012

IRMSA presents: Risk Management Roadmap - Cover Publications

iCal Import

IRMSA - risk management roadmapIRMSA - risk management roadmap

In IRMSA?s constant pursuit of service excellence and providing value to itsmembers, the Institute will launch training programmes in 2012. The Instituteis committed to ensuring that its members remain professionally competentand continue to develop. The first training session to be introduced will be theRisk Management Roadmap in Johannesburg.

Who should attend?

? Risk practitioners and senior managers who are responsible for managing risks.

? Persons entering the Risk Management profession who have been practicing risk management and have a basic

understanding of the subject but require formal training.

Benefits of attending?

? The course gives each delegate the ability , knowledge and confidence to apply Risk Management Best Practices

? It will prepare delegates for the increasingly complex business environment and the uncertainties faced when employed in

many areas of business and government

Brief outline of the course content

The basic process for risk management in an organisation is created with:

? ERM in business context

? Risk Assessment:

? Risk Identification

? Risk evaluation

? Risk Analysis

? Organisational response to Risk

? Management of Risk

For more information and registration details please download the brochure here: ?IRMSA ? Risk Management Roadmap

Source: http://www.cover.co.za/events/irmsa-presents-risk-management-roadmap?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=irmsa-presents-risk-management-roadmap

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The Jacksonville Jaguars Sports Tickets Enjoy The NFL Workforce ...

The Gambling contain the boon of obtaining their starting within a area that is definitely previously been a number to a large number of basketball admirers holding out desperately to book Gambling basketball lotto tickets. This open public contains a genuine very good perception of the adventure. This is certainly so mainly because a long time before The city of jacksonville acquired on its own an NFL operation, that they had a brand to be an awesome basketball metropolis and hosted the two higher education and professional basketball.

Football In The Blood

The area even comes with a annual basketball competition and features once a year Gator Serving a excellent competition which consists of rituals and parades along with the prominent events and which lastly leads to a very good bet on basketball. Not only annual competition, the city boasts once a year basketball recreation concerning two excellent colleges and universities the ebuddy School of Atlanta along with the School of Fl.

One might have thought that the city has experienced its complete of basketball and will not like to check out much more video games, that is not what it is. The Gator Serving Ground, developed throughout the Terrific Major depression kept superior right up until the Nineteen nineties and features witnessed some good clubs enjoy below. Madrid received clubs that have been place in the world Soccer Category and north america Soccer Category when these leagues started to be immaterial, the city attempted to appeal clubs through the NFL. Metropolis attempted to take while in the Baltimore Colts and later tried to have the Austin Oilers to go in.

Even while excellent attempts ended up being manufactured to get any one of these two clubs to go in, the campaigns ended up being hit a brick wall and soon the city huge-hairpieces picnik made a decision that the only method to receive a team ended up being slug it for the operation if your NFL decided to extend.

When, in 1991, the NFL decided to extend its franchise companies, The city of jacksonville was swift to produce a bid. Even so to many professionals of your recreation, this has been a displaced cause. Firstly, Fl by now received two clubs. Who?d try and arrange yet another? Aside from there was a great many other areas that have been a lot smaller showed in NFL franchise companies.

Even when NFL does consent to find the The city of jacksonville bid, the final results were not sure. Firstly there was quite a few issues on the level of renovation the arena would desire and the way it turned out to generally be backed. At 1 period negotiations on prices eradicated absolutely and must be discontinued completely. Ultimately, some rear channel diplomacy internet explorer appeared to do the trick and overdue in The fall of 1993 among the business expansion franchise companies of your NFL left for The city of jacksonville.

As the seasons evolved, the Jaguars superior their file. In 1995, their 1st year of enjoy, they arrived served by a 4-12 file. Even so later in life they bloomed and by 1999 they were featuring a 14-2 file.

Watching the Gambling enjoy live is surely an practical knowledge you?ll not forget about also quickly. Even so what exactly is really difficult is getting their lotto tickets as they manage to disappear in the same way gross sales start out. The easiest way of guaranteeing your Gambling basketball lotto tickets is actually arranging them on line by way of reputable internet sites of certified citation broker agents. You will be able to escape the rush along with the anxiousness which enable it to acquire some cheap deals also on Gambling basketball lotto tickets. Get those on line Jaguars basketball lotto tickets beginning, in order to see an exciting recreation!

Source: http://www.hellozuo.com/the-jacksonville-jaguars-sports-tickets-enjoy-the-nfl-workforce-that-nearly-wasn-t/

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ask Tim: Help Me Sell My FSBO :: Presented by Tim Taylor

Q: I have a completely renovated, immaculate, neutralized, ready to move in, 4500+ sq foot home in a desirable Columbus suburb for sale by owner. I?d like to co-op with you on the sale of this

A tablet with the phrase "For sale by own...

Image via Wikipedia

home and then have you help me buy my next house after we sell this one.

A: I?m sure you have good reasons to try the sale of your home without a professional?s help.? You are really facing a very tough marketing project.? A little known and seldom mentioned statistic:? even with a Realtor?s help,?you have a greater than a 50% likely hood your home won?t sell.? All Realtors are not created ?equal? when it comes to marketing skills.

Unfortunately, I don?t have an instant buyer for your home.? Very few Realtors would hold a buyer out of the market waiting for a special payday.? When we represent a buyer we provide them with all the available ?listings? in their price range via our MLS system and then they decide which homes to visit.? They might also find homes for sale on any of several dozen commercial websites (skilled agents market to most of these sites).? The buyer decides which homes are interesting to them and worth a visit, not the agent.? We who represent buyers are offered a co-operative fee for bringing the buyer (and therefore the seller) to a successful closing.? That fee varies, but mostly it is 3% of the purchase price.

When we represent a seller, we educate that seller on preparing the home for market and establish a pricing plan (not just a price) to meet market demand.? We then develop and execute a marketing plan that will draw interested buyers to the property. ?We produce marketing materials, provide photographic & video product, and gain market exposure for the property that will excite the buyers that are currently in the market.? We keep sellers informed and guide them through a process that they might experience once or twice in a lifetime.? Unfortunately that process changes frequently these days as buyers are constantly demanding and finding new ways to access the market.

We repeat those parts of the process that are successfully producing showings and fine tune ?everything? until a buyer has his Realtor bring us an offer to purchase.? Then we guide a seller through a negotiation that will impact how much they ?net? from one of the largest personal financial transactions of their life.

It takes years of experience to make all this happen and get good results for a seller.? That?s why over 50% of ?Realtor? marketed listings don?t sell.? Another little known statistic; less than 8% of all ?for sale by owner? homes sell without hiring a Realtor.? Most ?experienced? agents will charge 6 ? 7 % to accomplish the sale.? 3% or maybe half is paid to the buyer?s agent and the remainder goes to the listing agent to pay for the cost of marketing the sellers? home.

To answer your question very candidly, I can make more money encouraging the buyers with whom I?m working to select a home out of the MLS and they will likely have a much more satisfying ?buying experience.? Therefore your proposition is a poor financial decision for me and potentially very limiting for a buyer.

Secondly, in a Realtor based transaction there is another trained professional supporting and encouraging the ?other party? as they attempt a very complex process with large financial outcomes.? That relationship of trust makes for good negotiations and successful closings.

The sale and/or purchase of property really isn?t as simple a process as it seems on TV, in ?FSBO? videos or from the latest best seller.? I?m happy to meet with you to discuss your plans. ?I can provide 27 years of successful real estate experience helping families like yours reach their goals.

Source: http://ohiosbestrealestate.com/ask-tim-help-me-sell-my-fsbo

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Source: http://www.datingrelationshipslove.com/articles/online-dating/for-anyone-who-longs-to-have-an-affair/

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

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When a Husband Has a Pornography Addiction | Mormon Women ...

Mar 3, 2012 by mormonwomen

The following ten tips were submitted by a Mormon wife who has been married for several years to a man with a pornography/sex addiction. She found out about his addiction before they were married. She shares ten tips for women whose husbands or husbands-to-be are struggling with pornography addictions.?

10 Ways to Deal with Your Spouse?s Addiction

1. Acknowledge the problem.

You might think it will make you feel better if you just don?t think about it, pretend it?s not so serious, or if you wish you hadn?t married him. It won?t. For whatever reason, this is a trial you have to face. You can?t even begin to face your emotions until you acknowledge what?s going on.

Your husband has a serious problem, and it hurts. You don?t like it, but that?s the truth. His problem causes you pain. And because of his addiction, you?ve grieving. You fee like you?ve lost the man of your dreams, whether you knew about his addiction before you were married or not. You?re scared because you don?t know what it will mean for you and your family in the future. It?s okay to cry.

2. Get educated.

You need to understand pornography addiction. [Find a list of FAQs and answers to many commonly asked questions about pornography addiction.] You?re fighting against a fierce enemy, so arm yourself with knowledge. You can?t fight an enemy you don?t understand. But if you know what actually works, you won?t waste energy using ineffective techniques. Learn about how addiction changes the brain, how it starts [personal stories vary], the effect it has on families, how pervasive pornography and sex addiction are, and more. If you?re operating with some misunderstandings (and there are plenty of myths about pornography addiction), it won?t help. But if you understand what?s going on, your expectations will be more realistic. You can even educate others about the problem.

3. Encourage him to get help.

You and he cannot fight this one alone. Pornography is one of the most difficult addictions to overcome, and you wouldn?t expect a drug addict to get better by himself. Heavenly Father has put some smart people and some great resources on this planet, so take advantage. The bishop can help, but he?s not specifically trained in addiction recovery, so ask him to refer you to someone who is. If you need help to pay for treatment, don?t be afraid to ask. ?[Editor's note: See footnotes for a list of possible recovery program ?options, for both the one who is addicted and the loved one/spouse. A qualified sex addiction therapist is also often recommended by both addicts and spouses who have experienced recovery.]

Remember, though, that he has to do the recovery himself. In other words, you can?t make him go to a therapist. If he hasn?t admitted that he has a problem and that he needs help, he may need to hit some kind of crisis before he does. But if he gets to that point, his treatment will be that much more effective since he?s the one who sought it. And if he won?t go with you, you can always go by yourself. The tools you will receive will help you deal with his addiction and move forward. Your needs are important, too!

4. Stop blaming yourself.

Repeat after me: It is not my fault. Repeat. Now ten times. Repeat.

You cannot make it better by having sex more, being more patient, reading your scriptures more, losing ten pounds, being prettier, keeping the house cleaner, getting plastic surgery, or anything else. His addiction has nothing to do with you. For many men, his addiction began long before he even met you. He may not have learned healthy ways to deal with his emotions. It is not your fault. You cannot fix him.

For many, it takes a long time to separate their actions from their husbands? actions. It?s scary to feel powerless, so sometimes we try to take control. ?If I just was a better wife, he wouldn?t need to watch those movies.? We like to think we can do something to make it better. But the truth is, he?d still be addicted, even if you were a perfect wife. It may sound scary to admit you can?t change him, but it?s actually liberating. You can choose how you will react and to make decisions for your life. You don?t have to let his problem rule your life. That?s real power.

5. Stop treating his addiction like your problem.

This is closely related to #4. Of course, you are a nice wife, and you want to help him. You feel powerless and frustrated and angry. You want to change him.

You can?t.

He needs to take responsibility for his own addiction. You don?t have to monitor him, check his email, check his phone, or check his history. You don?t have to become an internet security policewoman. If he asks you to password-protect his computer, then great. He?s come up with a step that will help him on his own, so why not support him in that? But you are not his babysitter, so let go. He?s not a child. He?s got to stand accountable before God for his sins. You won?t.

6.?Stop the secrecy and shame

Pornography goes through a cycle. People who study it call it the ?shame cycle.? Addicts know what they?re doing is wrong. They feel ashamed of what they did. They think if they just repent hard enough, they won?t do it again, so they beat themselves up. All the scriptures and quotations they can find are evidence of how bad they are. But pretty soon, they?re feeling so rotten that they can?t stand themselves. They seek out a way to make themselves feel better, to numb the pain for a while. And what is that way? You guessed it. [Editor's note: Read this article about why addicts cannot stop using pornography and what true recovery can look like. Here's a?short article exploring the question about why they can't stop.]

Another thing pornography addiction thrives on is secrecy. Most of the time, addicts act out alone. They view it in private, and they don?t tell anyone about it. This is related to their shame, of course, but it only feeds the addiction, because if no one knows, the addict isn?t accountable. They don?t have to answer to anyone, and they believe it when they tell themselves they?ll do better next time.

It doesn?t help the spouse, either, when we pretend these issues don?t exist or shame the addict for their problem. Pornography is a very common problem in the Church, but if we don?t talk about it with someone, when it happens we feel like we?re all alone. We don?t feel like we can confide in anyone, and we feel like we?re leading a double life when we?re not even the ones who are addicted. [If you are a spouse facing this problem and would like some women to talk with, see this forum. We also encourage you to seek a support group of some sort.]

7. Reach out to others.

This one?s closely related to #6, but it?s more for your well-being than his (and yes, your well-being matters just as much as his, if not more so. Don?t you have kids to raise, callings to fulfill, etc.?)

Talk to someone else. You could start by attending a group meeting. You could tell someone in your family, his family, or your visiting teachers. It doesn?t really matter who you tell. But find someone. Someone female would be best. If your confidante doesn?t deal with this, she?ll at least empathize as a woman, and if she does, she can tell you what?s helped her. It helps to know other people carry the same burden. It can affect anyone. And it also helps to meet people who have recovered. It?s possible!

8. Take care of yourself.

An addiction like this one can seem relentless. It isolates you, burdens you, and wears you down. For the sake of yourself and the people around you, you need to take care of yourself. You might not feel like it, but you need to do things for yourself. You need to take a break once in a while. Write down some things you like to do, and do them. It could be a hobby, or it could be something as simple as a bubble bath. You could get a babysitter and go somewhere. Get in touch with what makes you unique, apart from your burdens and apart from your family. Find some simple joy in your life.

9.?Be patient with him. And yourself.

His recovery is going to take a long time, and you?re going to have to live with that. He can?t just stop, though it would be nice. It will probably take months or years until he?s ?clean?, and even then, he will still have to fight temptation, though the fights get easier. It will most likely be a gradual process, where his slips become less and less frequent with time. It?s like a journey, and even when his slips hurt, if he?s improving overall, he?s moving forward. [Read this article about what recovery looks like.]

It will take time for you, too, so don?t beat yourself up if you?re still working on getting back to normal while he recovers. You won?t be able to forgive and trust right away, nor will you get over it quickly. You?re going to hurt for a while, but you can heal, too.

10. Find hope.

The scriptures alone won?t cure everything, but even so, there is still tremendous power and healing in the gospel. The Atonement isn?t just for your husband, after all. Find the solace and peace and answers you need however you can. You can?t fix anything alone, but if you find the courage to turn your husband and his addiction over to the Lord, He can work miracles in both your lives.

- ? - -

Addiction Recovery Programs:

LDS Addiction Recovery Programs.?http://providentliving.org/content/display/0,11666,6629-1-3414-1,00.html

They also have a self-help manual, A Guide To Addiction Recovery and Healing:http://www.providentliving.org/familyservices/AddicitonRecoveryManual_36764000.pdf

To find a support group near you check here:?http://providentliving.org/content/list/0,11664,4177-1,00.html

The LDS Church has a new recovery manual for spouses/parents/loved ones of addicts. Many of the LDS family support groups are using the draft of this manual (which we think is coming out soon) in their family support meetings. Email us for more information.

S-Anon Meetings. National 12 step program for spouses of sexual addicts and partners of sexual offenders, with a spiritual focus (principles are similar to the LDS addiction recovery program, both of which are based on the Alcoholics Anonymous program). Primarily married women in attendance. Companion program to SA. National: (615) 833-3152. ??http://www.sanon.org/meetings.htm?(There is also a new online S-Anon group that has formed. We have contact information for the facilitator of this group, but want to keep that person?s email address private. Email us for more information.)

Heart t? Heart Meetings. An (unofficial)?LDS 12 Step Addiction Recovery Support Group. Online meetings. Meetings for both addicts and family members. ?http://www.heart-t-heart.org/meetings.html

LifeStar Network:?http://lifestarnetwork.org/for_the_spouse.html

COSA Meetings. National 12 step program for partners and significant others of sexual addicts and sexual offenders. Both men and women in attendance. Companion program to SAA. National: 612-537-6904. ??http://www.cosa-recovery.org/face2face.html

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) Meetings. A national 12 step program for sexual addicts and sexual offenders. Mostly males in attendance. National: (615) 331-6230

Sexual Addicts Anonymous (SAA) Meetings.? A national 12 step program for sexual addicts and some sexual offenders. Scattered meetings have female attendance. National: (713) 869-4902. ?http://www.cosa-recovery.org/face2face.html

Source: http://mormonwoman.org/2012/03/03/when-a-husband-has-a-pornography-addiction/

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chavez's health key to Venezuela political future (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - It's hard to imagine an election in Venezuela without Hugo Chavez, the larger-than-life personality who gazes down from billboards and murals and fills the airwaves for hours at a stretch with his unique mixture of fiery speeches and folksy banter.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/world/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120301/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/lt_venezuela_chavez_scenarios

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Stress Free Home Entertaining | Living better at 50+| Online ...

By Jane Heacock ?

Some people are born great organizers others are not. Holiday entertaining, birthday celebrations and dinner parties can be stress free with a little bit of planning. Recently I organized a 60th birthday party. The planning of this party was put together in just four weeks. Here are my party planning tips that can be applied the next time you are hosting a party.


For this particular 60th birthday party I sent out the invitations four weeks in advance. If you are inviting out of state family or friends be sure to give them more than the four weeks notice. There are many options for invitations depending on the occasion. Evites is a popular way to get the word out about your party and a great way to keep track of the number of people you can expect. Send an email reminder when the date is getting closer for those that have not sent an RSVP.

Planning a Family Gathering

Depending on the type of party you are having attendees sometimes offer to bring appetizers, wine or their favorite party food. For our family gatherings the host puts a menu together and sends an email out listing what is needed. Family members select what they would like to bring and let me know in advance. If I am hosting I supply the main part of the meal as well as all the condiments, drinks and party supplies. My family then brings appetizers, side dishes and some of the desserts. This gives me time to get the house in order and set everything up before the party day. Not having to prepare all the food takes the stress off my shoulders. I usually start setting up tables, set up party supplies and have the house cleaned at least three days before the party.

Formal Parties

For business parties, holiday socials, a theme party or a special event party I start planning at least two months ahead. I start organizing my lists earlier because I order some of food from local specialty shops. If you will be ordering a theme cake it is good to put your thoughts together earlier rather than later, as the party date comes closer you will have other details to attend to. Start a detailed computerized list that way you can update each area of your party planning as time goes along. List the pricing for each area of your party planning to stay within your budget.

Finally enlisting some assistance for set up and clean up is a smart way to keep your party planning stress free-?Arrange to have your home cleaned and hire a personal assistant company, this gives you time to concentrate on other areas of your party organizing. Have your personal assistant pick up your decorations, party platters, cake etc. When you are at the two day mark before your party you will have lots of other details to attend to. Do yourself a favor and enlist some assistance!

Last but not least, give yourself at least one hour before your party to sit back and relax. You deserve it!


Since 1997 Jane Heacock has been providing errand service, personal assistance and lifestyle management for busy families, senior citizens and small business. She helps reduce the stress that can come with the demands of every day life giving individuals time for the things that matter most. Contact Jane at 603-472-8422, email Jane@ItsAboutTimeNH.com?or visit http://www.itsabouttimenh.com.??

Source: http://www.livingbetterat50.com/stress-free-home-entertaining/

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